A superpower is a sovereign state able to project its power globally.
Superpower may also refer to:
Origin(s) or The Origin may refer to:
Psi, PSI or Ψ may refer to:
Up or UP may refer to:
Action may refer to:
Crusader or Crusaders may refer to:
Superpower describes a sovereign state or supranational union that holds a dominant position characterized by the ability to exert influence and project power on a global scale. This is done through the combined means of economic, military, technological, political, and cultural strength as well as diplomatic and soft power influence. Traditionally, superpowers are preeminent among the great powers. While a great power state is capable of exerting its influence globally, superpowers are states so influential that no significant action can be taken by the global community without first considering the positions of the superpowers on the issue.
In international relations, power is defined in several different ways. Material definitions of state power emphasize economic and military power. Other definitions of power emphasize the ability to structure and constitute the nature of social relations between actors. Power is an attribute of particular actors in their interactions, as well as a social process that constitutes the social identities and capacities of actors.
World domination is the concept of a single power or ideology dominating the world.
Dummy may refer to:
A great power is a sovereign state that is recognized as having the ability and expertise to exert its influence on a global scale. Great powers characteristically possess military and economic strength, as well as diplomatic and soft power influence, which may cause middle or small powers to consider the great powers' opinions before taking actions of their own. International relations theorists have posited that great power status can be characterized into power capabilities, spatial aspects, and status dimensions.
Endgame, Endgames, End Game, End Games, or similar variations may refer to:
The Vikings were seafaring Scandinavians.
Player may refer to:
Ares is the Greek god of war and violence, equivalent of the Roman god Mars.
A countdown is the backward counting to indicate the remaining time before an event occurs.
A diva is a celebrated female artist.
Brave New World is a role-playing game originally released by Pinnacle Entertainment Group in 1999. The game was sold to Alderac Entertainment Group in 2000. The game is an alternate history superhero game set in a neo-fascist United States living in a perpetual state of martial law since 1963. Inspired by the Kingdom Come and Batman: The Dark Knight Returns comic storylines, X-Men, Nineteen Eighty-Four, and the political and social upheavals of the 1990s, the game depicts renegade superheroes fighting a corrupt and evil government.
Heartland or Heartlands may refer to:
A potential superpower is a sovereign state or other polity that is speculated to be or have the potential to become a superpower; a sovereign state or supranational union that holds a dominant position characterized by the ability to exert influence and project power on a global scale through economic, military, technological, political, or cultural means.
Wow, WOW or WoW may refer to: