The Baptism of Christ (Donatello)

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The Baptism of Christ
Donatello, battesimo di cristo, arezzo, post 1425.jpg
ArtistDonatello and studio
MediumMarble relief sculpture
LocationArezzo Cathedral

Baptism of Christ is a rectangular stiacciato marble relief of the Baptism of Christ, showing a crowd in the background, including a servant holding a towel to the left and an angel to the right. It measures 63.5 by 40.5 cm and dates to 1425, forming part of the decoration of the font in Arezzo Cathedral. Vasari's Lives of the Artists attributes it to a student from Donatello's studio, but art critics since the early 20th century have compared it with Donatello's autograph works and began more and more to include it among them, although not unanimously. [1] The figure of Christ and the trees are strongly carved and definitely held to be by the master's hand, though St John the Baptist's legs and other areas are more schematic and may be the work of pupils.


Schiacciato is a technique which allows a sculptor to create a recessed or relief sculpture with carving only millimetres deep. To give the illusion of greater depth, the thickness gradually decreases from the foreground to the background. In some ways it is more similar to a 2D image than a 3D sculpture and so the relief can use perspective. Vasari writes of the technique:

Arezzo Cathedral building in Arezzo, Italy

Arezzo Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral in the city of Arezzo in Tuscany, Italy. It is located on the site of a pre-existing Palaeo-Christian church and, perhaps, of the ancient city's acropolis.

Donatello Italian painter and sculptor

Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi, better known as Donatello, was an Italian sculptor of the Renaissance. Born in Florence, he studied classical sculpture and used this to develop a complete Renaissance style in sculpture, whose periods in Rome, Padua and Siena introduced to other parts of Italy a long and productive career. He worked with stone, bronze, wood, clay, stucco and wax, and had several assistants, with four perhaps being a typical number. Though his best-known works were mostly statues in the round, he developed a new, very shallow, type of bas-relief for small works, and a good deal of his output was larger architectural reliefs.

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  1. Rolf C. Wirtz, Donatello, Könemann, Colonia 1998