The State of The USA

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The State of the USA is a non-profit group that seeks to present non-partisan data on key national indicators of the United States. [1] [2] [3] [4]


The group works with the United States National Academy of Sciences in creating a federally mandated Key National Indicator System (KNIS). [1] [5] [6]

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  1. 1 2 "The Rise and Fall of the G.D.P." The New York Times. 2010-05-16. Retrieved 2011-01-15.
  2. "Genuine Progress Indicator - Putting a dollar figure on progress". The Baltimore Sun. 2010-09-11. Retrieved 2011-01-15.
  3. "Public Policy Center's guest lecture boosts statistics site". The Daily Iowan. 2010-10-21. Retrieved 2011-01-15.
  4. "Data Access - Community Health Data Initiative - Interim Work Page". Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Retrieved 2011-01-15.
  5. "Work Begins on First Official 'Key National Indicator System'". The State of the USA. 2010-10-18. Retrieved 2011-01-15.
  6. "GDP: a brief history". Foreign Policy. 2011. Retrieved 2011-01-18. U.S. government begins funding the State of the USA project, designed to create a "key national indicator system" with hundreds of new data points to add nuance to standard GDP stats.