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Theodora may refer to:


Historical figures known as Theodora

Byzantine empresses

Trebizonian empresses


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<span class="mw-page-title-main">John VIII Palaiologos</span> Byzantine emperor from 1425 to 1448

John VIII Palaiologos or Palaeologus was the penultimate Byzantine emperor. Ruling from 1425 to 1448, he attempted, and failed, the reunification of the Orthodox and Catholic churches and prioritized the protection of Constantinople against the Ottoman Empire. He was succeeded by his brother, Constantine XI.

This is an alphabetical index of people, places, things, and concepts related to or originating from the Byzantine Empire. Feel free to add more, and create missing pages. You can track changes to the articles included in this list from here.

Eudoxia, Eudokia or Evdokia is a feminine given name, which originally meant "good fame or judgement" or "she whose fame or judgement is good" in Greek. The Slavic forms of the name are East Slavic: Evdokiya, Yevdokiya ; South Slavic: Evdokija (Евдокија), Jevdokija (Јевдокија). It was mainly popular in late antiquity and during the Middle Ages, particularly in Eastern Europe. It continues to be in use today, usually in honor of various saints.

David IX of Georgia, from the Bagrationi dynasty, was king (mepe) of Georgia from 1346 until his death.

Alexios IV Megas Komnenos or Alexius IV, Emperor of Trebizond from 5 March 1417 to 26 April 1429. He was the son of Emperor Manuel III and Gulkhan-Eudokia of Georgia.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Alexios III of Trebizond</span> Emperor of Trebizond from 1349 to 1390

Alexios III Megas Komnenos, or Alexius III, was Emperor of Trebizond from December 1349 until his death. He is perhaps the best-documented ruler of that country, and his reign is distinguished by a number of religious grants and literary creations.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Helena Dragaš</span> Byzantine empress consort

Helena Dragaš was the empress consort of Byzantine emperor Manuel II Palaiologos and mother of the last two emperors, John VIII Palaiologos and Constantine XI Palaiologos. She served as interim regent of the Byzantine empire after the death of her son John VIII in 1448 until the enthronement of her son Constantine XI in 1449.

Irene Asanina, was the empress consort of John VI Kantakouzenos of the Byzantine Empire. She is known to have participated in military issues in a degree uncommon for a Byzantine empress. She commanded the garrison of Didymoteicho during the Byzantine civil war of 1341–1347, and organized the defense of Constantinople against the Genoese in 1348, and the forces of John V in 1353.

Helena Kantakouzene was the Empress consort of John V Palaiologos of the Byzantine Empire. She served as Regent during the absence of her son Manuel II in 1393.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Maria Komnene (daughter of Alexios IV)</span> Byzantine Empress consort

Maria Megale Komnene, known as Maria of Trebizond, was Byzantine Empress by marriage to the Byzantine emperor John VIII Palaiologos. She was the last Byzantine empress.

Saint Theodora may refer to:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Theodora Kantakouzene</span> Empress consort

Theodora Komnene Kantakouzene was Empress of the Empire of Trebizond as the consort of Emperor Alexios III Megas Komnenos from their marriage in 1351 until her retirement after her husband's death in 1390.

Anna Philanthropene was the second Empress consort of Manuel III of Trebizond.

Theodora Kantakouzene Megale Komnene was the Empress consort of Alexios IV of Trebizond. Said to be very beautiful, according to the chronicle of Laonikos Chalkokondyles, she was accused by her son, John Megas Komnenos, of having an affair with the protovestiarios of the court of Trebizond; however, other accounts describe her as a faithful and loving wife, who kept the peace between Alexios and his sons. In either case, during her lifetime their son John fled to Georgia and did not return until after Theodora's death.

Bagrationi was the first Empress consort of John IV of Trebizond. Her name is unknown.

Anna Megale Komnene was a Trapezuntine Queen consort of Georgia as the second wife of King Bagrat V. She was the mother of his youngest son, Constantine I of Georgia, who would in 1407 succeed his half-brother, King George VII, and reign as king.

Eudokia Megale Komnene, was a Trapezuntine princess and a member of the powerful Byzantine Komnenos dynasty as a daughter of Emperor Alexios III of Trebizond.

Irene Palaiologina or Palaeologina may refer to:

Theodora Kantakouzene, was the wife of Alexios III of Trebizond.

Theodora Angelina Palaiologina was a Byzantine noblewoman and mother of the future Byzantine Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos, the founder of the Palaiologan dynasty. She was the daughter of the despotes Alexios Palaiologos and Irene Komnene Angelina, the daughter of Alexios III Angelos and Euphrosyne Doukaina Kamatera.