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Thunag is a tehsil in the Mandi District of Himachal Pradesh.

A tehsil is an administrative division in some countries of South Asia. It is an area of land within a city or town that serves as its administrative centre, with possible additional towns, and usually a number of villages. The terms in India have replaced earlier geographical terms, such as pargana, pergunnah and thannah.

Himachal Pradesh State in northern India

Himachal Pradesh is a state in the northern part of India. Situated in the Western Himalayas, it is bordered by states of Jammu and Kashmir on the north, Punjab on the west, Haryana on the southwest, Uttarakhand on the southeast, and Tibet on the east. At its southernmost point, it also touches the state of Uttar Pradesh. The state's name was coined by acharya Diwakar Dutt Sharma, one of the state's eminent Sanskrit scholars.