Timeline of the Serbian Revolution

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Timeline of the Serbian Revolution.


First Serbian Uprising

Second Serbian Uprising

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hajduk Veljko</span> Serbian military commander

Veljko Petrović, known simply as Hajduk Veljko, was one of the vojvodas of the Serbian Revolutionary forces in the First Serbian Uprising against the Ottoman Empire, in charge of the Negotin area. He was one of the most prominent leaders of the uprising.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">First Serbian Uprising</span> Part of the Serbian Revolution

The First Serbian Uprising was an uprising of Serbs in Orašac against the Ottoman Empire from 14 February 1804 to 7 October 1813. Initially, a local revolt against Dahije who had seized power through a coup, it evolved into a war for independence after more than three centuries of Ottoman rule and short-term Austrian occupations.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Second Serbian Uprising</span> 1815–17 rebellion within Serbia following its re-annexation by the Ottoman Empire

The Second Serbian Uprising was the second phase of the Serbian Revolution against the Ottoman Empire, which erupted shortly after the re-annexation of the country to the Ottoman Empire in 1813. The occupation was enforced following the defeat of the First Serbian Uprising (1804–1813), during which Serbia existed as a de facto independent state for over a decade. The second revolution ultimately resulted in Serbian semi-independence from the Ottoman Empire. The Principality of Serbia was established, governed by its own parliament, constitution and royal dynasty. De jure independence, however, was attained in 1878, following the decisions of the Congress of Berlin.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ottoman Serbia</span> Period of Serbian history from the late 14th century to 1817

Most of the territory of what is now the Republic of Serbia was part of the Ottoman Empire throughout the Early Modern period, especially Central Serbia and Southern Serbia, unlike Vojvodina which passed to Habsburg rule at the end of the 17th century.

These are lists of battles of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1792–1815).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Slaughter of the Knezes</span> Dahije mass assassinations of Knyaz; post-event outrage causes Serbs to revolt

The Slaughter of the Knezes was the organized assassinations and assaults of noble Serbs in the Sanjak of Smederevo in January 1804 by the rebellious Dahije. Fearing that the Sultan would make use of the Serbs to oust them, they decided to execute leading Serbs throughout the Sanjak. A total of 72 noble Serbs were assassinated, and their heads were put on public display. Notable victims were Aleksa Nenadović and Ilija Birčanin. The event triggered the Serbian revolution, aimed at putting an end to the centuries of occupation.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Serbian Revolution</span> Revolution of Serbia against the Ottomans

The Serbian Revolution was a national uprising and constitutional change in Serbia that took place between 1804 and 1835, during which this territory evolved from an Ottoman province into a rebel territory, a constitutional monarchy, and modern Serbia. In 1804, the Ottoman Janissary decided to execute all prominent nobles throughout Central Serbia, a move known as the Slaughter of the Knezes. The heads of the murdered Serbian nobles were put on public display in the central square to serve as an example to those who might plot against Ottoman rule. The event triggered the start of the Serbian Revolution aimed at putting an end to the 370 years of Ottoman occupation. The first part of the period, from 1804 to 1817, was marked by a violent struggle for independence from the Ottoman Empire with two armed uprisings taking place, ending with a ceasefire. The later period (1817–1835) witnessed a peaceful consolidation of political power of the increasingly autonomous Serbia, culminating in the recognition of the right to hereditary rule by Serbian princes in 1830 and 1833 and the territorial expansion of the young monarchy. The adoption of the first written Constitution in 1835 abolished feudalism and serfdom, and made the country suzerain. The term Serbian Revolution was coined by a German academic historiographer, Leopold von Ranke, in his book Die Serbische Revolution, published in 1829. These events marked the foundation of modern Serbia.

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Revolutionary Serbia, or Karađorđe's Serbia, refers to the state established by the Serbian revolutionaries in Ottoman Serbia after the start of the First Serbian Uprising against the Ottoman Empire in 1804. The Sublime Porte first officially recognized the state as autonomous in January 1807, however, the Serbian revolutionaries rejected the treaty and continued fighting the Ottomans until 1813. Although the first uprising was crushed, it was followed by the Second Serbian Uprising in 1815, which resulted in the creation of the Principality of Serbia, as it gained semi-independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1817.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kučuk-Alija</span>

Kučuk-Alija was a Janissary, mutesellim of Kragujevac and one of four Dahiyas who controlled the Sanjak of Smederevo in the period between 15 December 1801 and the beginning of the First Serbian Uprising in Spring 1804. He was a brother of Sali Aga, a mutesellim of Rudnik Ottoman nahiyah at the beginning of 19th century.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dahije</span> Renegade Janissary officers who took power in Ottoman Serbia (1799–1804)

The Dahije or Dahijas were the renegade Janissary officers who took power in the Sanjak of Smederevo, after murdering the Vizier Hadži Mustafa Pasha of Belgrade on 15 December 1801. The four supreme dahije leaders were Kučuk Alija, Aganlija, Mula Jusuf and Mehmed-aga Fočić. Rebels against the Ottoman sultan, they were defeated by the Serbs in the initial phase of the First Serbian Uprising, which is also called "Uprising against the Dahije".

Konda Bimbaša was a mercenary in Alija Gušanac's Dahije detachment in the Sanjak of Smederevo who switched sides to the Serb rebels during the First Serbian Uprising, proclaimed a hero for his efforts in the Siege of Belgrade (1806).

Sulejman Pasha of Uskoplje was an Ottoman Bosnian military commander and governor active in Rumelia, who distinguished himself fighting Serb rebels in the 1800s and 1810s. He served as the first Vizier of Belgrade after crushing the First Serbian Uprising (1804–1813).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cabinet of Matija Nenadović</span> Government of Serbia (1805–1807)

The cabinet of Matija Nenadović was formed on 27 August 1805. It was the first government of Serbia. It held office until April 1807, when it was replaced by the cabinet of Mladen Milovanović.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cabinet of Mladen Milovanović</span> Government of Serbia (1807–1810)

The cabinet of Mladen Milovanović was formed in April 1807. It held office until 31 December 1810, when it was dismissed and replaced by the cabinet of Jakov Nenadović.
