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Palau Island country in the western Pacific Ocean

Palau, officially the Republic of Palau, is an island country located in the western Pacific Ocean. The country contains approximately 340 islands, and together with parts of the Federated States of Micronesia, forms the western chain of the Caroline Islands. Its area is 466 square kilometers (180 sq mi). The most populous island is Koror. The capital Ngerulmud is located on the nearby island of Babeldaob, in Melekeok State. Palau shares maritime boundaries with the Philippines, Indonesia, and Micronesia.

Palauan language Austronesian language

Palauan is a Malayo-Polynesian language native to the Republic of Palau, where it is one of the two official languages, alongside English. It is widely used in day-to-day life in the country. Palauan is not closely related to other Malayo-Polynesian languages and its exact classification within the Austronesian languages is unclear.

Airai State in Palau

Airai, located on the southern coast of Babeldaob island, is the second-most populous state of Palau. It contains the country's chief airport, Roman Tmetuchl International Airport, and is connected by the Koror-Babeldaob Bridge to nearby Koror Island.

Modekngei, or Ngara Modekngei is a monotheistic religious movement founded around 1915 by Temedad, a native of the island of Babeldaob, that spread throughout Palau. It rose to political ascendancy between the world wars and is currently professed by 8.8% of Palau's population.

Haruo Remeliik First President of Palau

Haruo Ignacio Remeliik was a politician from Palau. He served as the first President of Palau from 2 March 1981 until his assassination on 30 June 1985. He is buried at Kloulklubed in his home state of Peleliu. Remeliik was of mixed Japanese and Palauan descent.

Ngiratkel Etpison Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Republican Presidential Candidate

Ngiratkel Etpison was a politician from Palau.

Roman Tmetuchl International Airport airport

Roman Tmetuchl International Airport, also known as Palau International Airport is the main airport of Palau. It is located near the former capital Koror, just north of Ngetkib, Airai on Babelthuap (Babeldaob) island. The airport is 4 miles (6 km) from Koror and 15 miles (25 km) from Ngerulmud.

Koreans in Micronesia used to form a significant population before World War II, when most of the region was ruled as the South Pacific Mandate of the Empire of Japan; for example, they formed 7.3% of the population of Palau in 1943. However, after the area came under the control of the United States as the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, most Koreans returned to their homeland. As of 2013, about seven thousand South Korean expatriates & immigrants and Korean Americans reside in Guam and the Northern Marianas, which have remained under U.S. control, while only around two hundred South Korean expatriates reside in the independent countries of Micronesia.

Roman Tmetuchl Palauan politician and businessman

Roman Tmetuchl was a Palauan political leader and businessman. He grew up in Japanese-controlled Palau and joined the Kempeitai, the Japanese secret police, during World War II. After the war, he became the leader of Palau's Liberal Party. He worked in the Congress of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands from 1964 to 1978 and advocated for Palau gaining a separate status from the rest of Micronesia. He became governor of Airai and engaged in three unsuccessful Palauan presidential campaigns. As a businessman, Tmetuchl led several construction projects for his business holdings and for the Palauan community, including the Palau International Airport and a Seventh-Day Adventist clinic.

George Washington High School (Guam) school in Mangilao, Guam

George Washington High School is a public secondary school located at 298 Washington Drive in Mangilao, in the United States territory of Guam.

Mlib Tmetuchl is a Palauan businessman and politician. He was elected to the Senate of Palau in 2000. He was the President of the Senate of Palau from 15 January 2009 to 16 January 2013.

Belau Air airline

Belau Air is a Palauan airline with its headquarters in Koror City. Belau Air is the only air carrier operating solely throughout the island nation of Palau, having its hub at Roman Tmetuchl International Airport in the state of Airai nearby the country's main city and former capital Koror. Belau Air currently owns only one small plane, a Cessna 206, which can hold five passengers, and a Robinson R44 helicopter. The service makes daily flights to the Palauan states of Peleliu and Angaur, both of which are small island communities southwest of the State of Koror. The plane is also used for tourism and offers tours throughout Palau's Rock Islands. The airline does not travel internationally, and other airlines are used to travel into and out of Palau. People can also charter flights on Belau Air's airplane and helicopter, as well as learn to fly the helicopter with an instructor.

There is a small Japanese community in Palau, which mainly consists of Japanese expatriates residing in Palau over a long-term basis. A few Japanese expatriates started to reside in Palau after it gained independence in 1994, and established long-term businesses in the country. Japanese settlement in Palau dates back to the early 19th century, although large scale Japanese migration to Palau did not occur until the 1920s, when Palau came under Japanese rule and administered as part of the South Pacific Mandate. Japanese settlers took on leading administrative roles in the Japanese colonial government, and developed Palau's economy. After the Japanese surrender in 1945, virtually all of the Japanese population was repatriated back to Japan, although people of mixed Japanese-Palauan descent were allowed to remain behind. People of Japanese-Palauan descent constitute a large minority of Palau's population as a result of substantial intermarriage between the Japanese settlers and Palauans. They generally identify with, conforming to cultural norms and daily lives with the Palauans.

Palauan passport passport

The Palauan Passport is an international travel document that is issued to Palauan citizens which is issued centrally at the Passport Office in Meyuns, Palau.

Palauan English is the dialect of English spoken by the Palauan People.

Palauan Americans are Americans of Palauan descent. According to the 2010 census, there are about 7,450 Americans of Palauan origin.

Women in Palau

Women in Palau, known also as Palauan women, Belauan women, Pelew women, or Women of Los Palaos Islands are women who live in or are from Palau. Historically, there was a strong "gendered division of labor" between women and men of Palau. To women belonged activities like farming and collection of shellfish. Present-day women - among Palauan men - are participants to wage labor. Although women now occupy jobs as physicians, lawyers and business managers. In relation to the history of national politics of Palau, Sandra Pierantozzi became the Vice President of Palau, and is now serving as Palau's Foreign Minister. There is already the first Palauan woman serving on the Supreme Court of Palau.

William Vitarelli American educator in Micronesia

William Vincent "Vit" Vitarelli, also referred to as Rubak in Palau, was an American educator and architect. He worked for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (TTPI) from 1948 to 1970. He was stationed in various islands in Micronesia, including Palau and Ebeye, and participated in various educational and community development projects.

Surangel S. Whipps Jr. is a Palauan businessman and politician. He has served as Senator from 2008 - 2016. He is from Ngatpang state, Republic of Palau. He was born in Baltimore, Maryland, to Surangel Whipps Sr., another Palauan businessman and Senator, and a mother who herself was born in Maryland.