Turkey viral hepatitis

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Turkey hepatitis virus
Virus classification Red Pencil Icon.png
(unranked): Virus
Realm: Riboviria
Kingdom: Orthornavirae
Phylum: Pisuviricota
Class: Pisoniviricetes
Order: Picornavirales
Family: Picornaviridae
Genus: Avihepatovirus
Turkey hepatitis virus

The aetiological agent of turkey viral hepatitis is a virus from the Picornaviridae family.


The disease is restricted to turkeys and is highly contagious but usually subclinical. It is usually present in young birds under the age of 6 weeks.

It has been seen in Canada, Italy, the US and the UK.

Transmission is thought to be via the faeces and vertical transmission may also occur.

Clinical signs and diagnosis

Affected turkeys may show systemic signs such as anorexia, lethargy and death. Hepatic encephalopathy occurs secondary to liver involvement.

Egg hatching and production can be affected.

Diagnosis relies on the isolation of the virus from samples of internal organs or the faeces inoculated into embryonated chicken eggs.

The main necropsy findings are multiple necrotic lesions on the liver and sometimes the spleen.

Treatment and control

There is no specific treatment for the condition.

Control may rely on boosting bird immunity, preventing group mixing and faecal spreading.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hepatitis E</span> Human disease caused by Orthohepevirus A

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<i>Hepadnaviridae</i> Family of viruses

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hepatitis B</span> Human viral infection

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) that affects the liver; it is a type of viral hepatitis. It can cause both acute and chronic infection.

<i>Hepatitis B virus</i> Species of the genus Orthohepadnavirus

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a partially double-stranded DNA virus, a species of the genus Orthohepadnavirus and a member of the Hepadnaviridae family of viruses. This virus causes the disease hepatitis B.

The transmission of hepadnaviruses between their natural hosts, humans, non-human primates, and birds, including intra-species host transmission and cross-species transmission, is a topic of study in virology.

Infections of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) in children and pregnant women are less understood than those in other adults. Worldwide, the prevalence of HCV infection in pregnant women and children has been estimated to 1-8% and 0.05-5% respectively. The vertical transmission rate has been estimated to be 3-5% and there is a high rate of spontaneous clearance (25-50%) in the children. Higher rates have been reported for both vertical transmission. and prevalence in children (15%).

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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes refer to the genetic variations that occurs in the hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis C is a contagious disease that primarily affects the liver, causing severe damage as the disease progresses. It is caused by the Hepatitis C virus, a small, enveloped RNA virus. The transmission of hepatitis C is through the contact with the blood of the infected person, for example by sharing the needles or by using non-sterile medical equipment. HCV is transmitted globally because of the high infection rate and is also associated with a high mortality rate. The World Health Organization indicates the 3.3% of the world population is infected by the HCV virus. Statistical records show that there are about 13 million HCV affected persons in Сhina, 3.5 million affected persons in the United States, and about 10 million people are affected by HCV in Pakistan. In all cases, the viral genotype of the HCV stays the same, occasionally mutations do occur making the treatment more complex by targeting the changes in the genotype. Hepatitis C virus genotype is considered more common than the Hepatitis B virus infection contributing to more than a million cases annually and is considered one of the major reason for liver transplantation in United States. Some of the HCV genotypes may develop in people without symptoms leading to dangerous conditions like liver cirrhosis causing a permanent damage to liver and the unnoticed HCV conditions will affect brain, joints, blood vessels, bones, and kidneys.

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<i>Astroviridae</i> Family of viruses

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