UAV-systems hardware chart

Last updated

Flight controllers for consumer use include closed and open-source hardware and software flight controllers available for use in consumer grade vehicles.

Flight Controller NameManufacturerSupported FirmwareHardware StandardMain ProcessorMain Processor ClockFlash MemoryRAMFailsafe Co-ProcessorPrice (USD) @ Supplier 2022/11/18 IMU / Sensors Note
Autopilot 1x Veronte Embention Propietary (user-programmable)


DO254 / DO160Texas Instruments Dual-CoreNANANAYes60003x IMU

3x Magnetometer 2x Static 1x Pitot 2x GNSS receivers 1x Temperature

Posbibility to connect external sensors, ADS-B, and other pheripherals.
Autopilot 4x Veronte Embention Propietary (user-programmable)


DO254 / DO160Texas Instruments Dual-CoreNANANAYes220009x IMU

9x Magnetometer 6x Static 3x Pitot 6x GNSS receivers 3x Temperature

Embedded redundancy (3+1)

Posbibility to connect external sensors, ADS-B, and other pheripherals.

Autopilot DRx


Embention Propietary (user-programmable)


DO254 / DO160Texas Instruments Dual-CoreNANANAYes300009x IMU

9x Magnetometer 6x Static 3x Pitot 6x GNSS receivers 3x Temperature

Distributed redundancy

Posbibility to connect external sensors, ADS-B, and other pheripherals.

CUAV NoraCUAVArdupilot


?STM32H743480 MHz2 Mb1028 KbN/AN/AICM20689 acc/gyro

ICM20649 acc/gyro BMI088 acc/gyro MS5611 x2 baro RM3100 mag

Discontinued - replaced by Nora Plus
CUAV Nora PlusCUAVArdupilot


?STM32H743480 MHz2 Mb1028 KbSTM32F103499ICM42688P acc/gyro

ICM20689 x2 acc/gyro RM3100 mag MS54611 x2 baro

CUAV Pixhack V3xCUAVArdupilot


FMUv3STM32F427168 MHz2 Mb256 KbSTM32F100N/AMPU600 x2 acc/gyro

L3GD20 gyro LS303D acc/mag MS5611 baro

CUAV Pixhawk V6XCUAVArdupilot


FMUv6XSTM32H753IIK6480 MHz2 Mb1028 KbSTM32F10XTBDICM42688P acc/gyro

ICM20649 acc/gyro BMI088 acc/gyro RM3100 mag ICP20100 x2 baro

CUAV V5CUAVArdupilot


FMUv5STM32F765216 MHz2 Mb512 KbSTM32F100N/AICM20689 acc/gyro

ICM20602 acc/gyro BMI055 acc/gyro IST8310 mag MS5611 baro

Discontinues - replaced by CUAV V5 Plus
CUAV V5 NanoCUAVArdupilot


FMUv5STM32F765216 MHz2 Mb512 KbSTM32F100N/AICM20689 acc/gyro

ICM20602 acc/gyro BMI055 acc/gyro IST8310 mag MS5611 baro

CUAV V5 PlusCUAVArdupilot


FMUv5STM32F765216 MHz2 Mb512 KbSTM32F100479ICM20689 acc/gyro

BMI055 acc/gyro IST8310 mag MS5611 x2 baro

CUAV X7 PlusCUAVArdupilot


?STM32H743480 MHz2 Mb1028 KbSTM32F103529ICM42688P acc/gyro

ICM20689 x2 acc/gyro RM3100 mag MS54611 x2 baro

CUAV X7 Plus ProCUAVArdupilot 4.10+

PX4 1.12.3+

?STM32H743480 MHz2 Mb1028 KbSTM32F1031180ADIS16470 acc/gyro

ICM42688P acc/gyro ICM20689 acc/gyro RM3100 mag MS5611 x2 baro

CUAV X7 ProCUAVArdupilot


?STM32H743480 MHz2 Mb1028 KbSTM32F103N/AADIS16470 acc/gyro

ISM20649 acc/gyro BMI088 acc/gryo RM3100 mag MS5611 x2 baro

Discontinued - replaced by X7+ Pro
Cube BlackHex/ProficncArdupilot


CubePilotSTM32F427168 MHz2 Mb256 KbSTM32F100N/ALSM303D acc/mag

L3GD20 gyro MS5611 baro

Cube Black (Pixhawk 2.1)Hex/ProficncArdupilot


FMUv3STM32F427168 MHz2 Mb256 KbSTM32F103300?
Cube Blue F4Hex/ProficncArdupilot


CubePilotSTM32F427168 MHz2 Mb256 KbSTM32F100N/ALSM303D acc/mag

L3GD20 gyro MS5611 baro

US component mfg.
Cube Blue H7Hex/ProficncArdupilot


CubePilotSTM32H753480 MHz2 Mb1028 KbSTM32F103650 (+105 carrier board)ICM20602

ICM 20948 MS5611 baro

Cube GreenHex/ProficncArdupilot


CubePilotSTM32F427168 MHz2 Mb256 KbSTM32F100218 (+105 carrier board)LSM303D acc/mag

L3GD20 gyro MS5611 baro

Cube OrangeHex/ProficncArdupilot


CubePilotSTM32H753480 MHz2 Mb1028 KbSTM32F103350 (+105 carrier board)ICM20602

ICM 20948 MS5611 baro

Cube Orange PlusHex/ProficncArdupilot


CubePilotSTM32H753480 MHz2 Mb1028 KbSTM32F103215 (+105 carrier board)ICM20948

ICM42688 MS5611 baro

Cube Purple F4Hex/ProficncArdupilot


CubePilotSTM32F427168 MHz2 Mb256 KbSTM32F100250 (+105 carrier board)MPU9250 acc/gyro/mag

MS5611 baro

Cube Purple H7Hex/ProficncArdupilot


CubePilotSTM32H753480 MHz2 Mb1028 KbSTM32F103N/A?
Cube YellowHex/ProficncArdupilot


CubePilotSTM32F777216 MHz2 Mb512 Kb-N/AICM20602

ICM 20948 MS5611 baro

No co-processor?
Drotek Pixhawk3 ProDrotekArdupilot


FMUv4proSTM32F469180 MHz2 Mb384 Kb-293ICM20608G acc/gyro

MPU9250 acc/gyro/mag LIS3MDL mag

No co-processor?

No baro?

Holybro Durandal H7HolyBroArdupilot


?STM32H743480 MHz2 Mb1028 KbSTM32F100246ICM20689 acc/gyro

BMI055 or ICM20689 acc/gyro IST8310 mag MS5611mag

HolyBro Pix32 v6HolyBroArdupilot


FMUv6CSTM32H743480 MHz2 Mb1028 KbSTM32F103195ICM42688P acc/gyro

BMI055 acc/gyro IST8310 mag MS5611 baro

HolyBro Pixhawk 4HolyBroArdupilot


FMUv5STM32F765216 MHz2 Mb512 KbSTM32F100190ICM20689 acc/gyro

BMI055 acc/gyro IST8310 mag MS5611mag

HolyBro Pixhawk 5XHolyBroArdupilot


FMUv5XSTM32F765216 MHz2 Mb512 KbSTM32F100148ICM20649 acc/gyro

ICM42688P acc/gyro ICM20602 acc/gyro BMM150 mag BMP388 x2 baro

HolyBro Pixhawk 6CHolyBroArdupilot


FMUv6CSTM32H743480 MHz2 Mb1028 KbSTM32F103223ICM42688P acc/gyro

BMI055 acc/gyro IST8310 mag MS5611 baro

HolyBro Pixhawk 6XHolyBroArdupilot


FMUv6STM32H743480 MHz2 Mb1028 KbSTM32F103279ICM20649 acc/gyro

ICM42688P acc/gyro ICM42670P acc/gyro BMM150 mag BMP388 x2 baro

mRO Control Zero H7mRoArdupilot


?STM32H743480 MHz2 Mb1024 Kb393ICM20602

ICM20948 BNI088 DPS310 baro

mRo Pixhawk (2.4.6)mRoArdupilot


FMUv3STM32F427168 MHz2 Mb256 KbSTM32F100290L3GDD20 gyro

LSM303D acc/mag MPU6000 acc/gyro MS5611 baro

mRo Pixhawk Control Zero ClassicmRoArdupilot


FMUv6STM32H743480 MHz2 Mb1028 KbSTM32F103350BMI088

ICM20602 ICM20948 DPS310 baro

mRo PixracermRoArdupilot


FMUv4STM32F427180 MHz2 Mb256 KbN/AN/AICM20608 acc/gyro

MPU9250 acc/gyro/mag HMC5983 mag MS5611 baro

mRo Pixracer PromRoArdupilot


?STM32H743IIK6480 MHz2 Mb1028 KbN/A350ICM20602 acc/gyro

ICM20948 acc/gyro/mag BMI085 acc/gyro DPS310 baro

Pixhawk 13DRobotics / variousArdupilot


FMUv2STM32F427168 MHz1 Mb256 KbSTM32F103variousL3GD20 gyro

LSM303D acc/mag MPU6000 acc/gyro MS5611 baro

Pixhawk 1  (including 2.4.8)3DRoboticsArdupilot


FMUv3STM32F427168 MHz2 Mb256 KbSTM32F103variousL3GD20 gyro

LSM303D acc/mag MPU6000 acc/gyro MS5611 baro

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