Werbrouck is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
DeSutter is a surname derived from the Latin word sutor (shoemaker) and is widely used in Flanders. One could translate DeSutter as 'The Shoemaker'. The first record of the name is from the 13th century in Flanders. DeSutters originated in the northernwestern parts of Belgium in the Ghent area near the English Channel, as well as in Northwestern France. Variants include De Sutter, DeSoto, DeZuter, DeZutter and De Zutter.
O'Kelly is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Kim is a surname with multiple origins.
Meunier is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Pauly is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Kuijpers or Kuypers is a Dutch surname corresponding to the English Cooper. Variant spellings are Kuipers, Kuiper, and Cuypers.
Cuypers is a variation of the Dutch surname Kuipers and, has the same meaning as the English surname Cooper or Coopers. People with this surname include:
Moeller and Möller are closely related surnames of German origin.
Smet is a Dutch occupational surname. Smet is a regional form of Smid ("Smith") and is equivalent to the more abundant surname Smit. It is common in East Flanders. People named Smet include:
Wolfs is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Pieters is a Dutch surname, equivalent to Peters. It can refer to:
Smeets is a Limburgian surname meaning smith. The surname hails specifically from the Limburg region spanning parts of the Southern Netherlands and Eastern Belgium.
Vissers is a Dutch occupational surname, meaning "fisherman's". Notable people with the surname include:
De Smet or Desmet is a Dutch occupational surname. It is a regional form of "the smith" very common in East and West Flanders. It was the tenth most common name in Belgium in 1997. Notable people with the surname include:
Leloup is a French surname meaning "the wolf". Notable people with the surname include:
Desmoulins, de Moulins, des Moulins or Demoulin are toponymic surnames literally meaning "from the mill" in French. It may have originated either as a nickname for someone who lived by the mill or as a toponymic surname for a person from one of the many places in France and Belgium named Moulins. Notable people with the surname include:
Smets is a Dutch occupational surname. It is a common name in the Belgian provinces of Antwerp and Flemish Brabant. Despite its similarity to the Dutch surnames Smet, Smits, and Smeets, each equivalent to Smith, Smets (sometimes?) originated from "des Mets", short for "des Metselaars". People named Smets include:
Meuleman is a Dutch surname meaning "mill man". It originally could have referred to a miller or to someone who lived near a wind or water mill. Among variant forms are Meulemans, Meulman(s) and Moleman(s). People with this name include:
De Cuyper is a surname, equivalent to English Cooper. Notable people with the surname include:
Pieroni is an Italian surname. Notable people with the surname include: