Willie McGee may refer to:
William McGee may refer to:
Michael, Mick, or Mike Murphy may refer to:
William, Billy or Bill O'Neill may refer to:
Neil is a masculine name of Irish origin. The name is an anglicisation of the Irish Niall which is of disputed derivation. The Irish name may be derived from words meaning "cloud", "passionate", "victory", "honour" or "champion". As a surname, Neil is traced back to Niall of the Nine Hostages who was an Irish king and eponymous ancestor of the Uí Néill and MacNeil kindred. Most authorities cite the meaning of Neil in the context of a surname as meaning "champion".
Ciarán or Ciaran is a traditionally male given name of Irish origin. It means "little dark one" or "little dark-haired one", produced by appending a diminutive suffix to ciar. It is the masculine version of the name Ciara.
Sean or Seán Ryan may refer to:
McGee or McKee is an English language surname of Irish origin. The surname McGee was first found in along the border of counties Donegal and Tyrone, the ancient territory of the O'Neills, now in the Province of Ulster, central Northern Ireland, where they are thought to be descended from the Colla Uais. McGee was later a chieftain clan of the Ulaid, of which their territory corresponded to the Islandmagee peninsula in modern-day County Antrim, Northern Ireland. It is also anglicised as "McCoy".
William Moore, and variations of William such as Will, Willie, Bill or Billy Moore, may refer to:
Damien is a given name and less frequently a surname.
Michael, Mike or Mick McCarthy may refer to:
William Clay, Willie Clay, Bill Clay, or Billy Clay may refer to:
Patrick Murphy may refer to:
Neilson is a patronymic surname meaning "son of Neil". The prefix Neil- is of Irish Gaelic origin, a genitive of 'Niall', possibly meaning "Champion" or "Cloud". Neilson, as a surname, is common in English language-speaking countries, but less common as a given name. It can be an anglicisation of MacNeil or the Scandinavian name, Nielsen.
Willy or Willie is a masculine, male given name, often a diminutive form of William or Wilhelm, and occasionally a nickname. It may refer to:
Michael or Mike McGee may refer to:
Declan is an Irish given name, an anglicised form of the Irish saint name Declán, also Deaglán or Déaglán. St. Declán founded a monastery in Ireland in the 5th century, and the St. Declán's stone has been credited as the site of many miracles. The name is believed to mean "man of prayer" or "full of goodness".
Chris Williams may refer to:
William J. Casey was the Director of Central Intelligence.
Andrew McLean may refer to:
Eugene McGee may refer to: