World Cocktail Day

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World Cocktail Day is a global celebration of cocktails; it marks the publication date of the first definition of a cocktail on May 13 in 1806. [1]

Cocktail alcoholic mixed drink

A cocktail is an alcoholic mixed drink, which is either a combination of spirits, or one or more spirits mixed with other ingredients such as fruit juice, flavored syrup, or cream. There are various types of cocktails, based on the number and kind of ingredients added. The origins of the cocktail are debated.

The New York tabloid The Balance and Columbian Repository defined a cocktail as "a stimulating liquor, composed of [[spirits of any kind, sugar, water and bitters". It was written by editor Harry Croswell in response to a reader’s inquiry. [2]

Tabloid (newspaper format) Type of newspaper format

A tabloid is a newspaper with a compact page size smaller than broadsheet. There is no standard size for this newspaper format.

Liquor alcoholic beverage that is produced by distilling

Liquor is an alcoholic drink produced by distillation of grains, fruit, or vegetables that have already gone through alcoholic fermentation. The distillation process purifies the liquid and removes diluting components like water, for the purpose of increasing its proportion of alcohol content. As liquors contain significantly more alcohol, they are considered "harder" – in North America, the term hard liquor is used to distinguish distilled alcoholic drinks from non-distilled ones.

Bitters family of alcoholic beverage flavored with herbal essences

A bitters is traditionally an alcoholic preparation flavored with botanical matter so that the end result is characterized by a bitter, sour, or bittersweet flavor. Numerous longstanding brands of bitters were originally developed as patent medicines, but now are sold as digestifs, sometimes with herbal properties, and cocktail flavorings. Since cocktails mainly contain sour and sweet flavors, bitters are used to engage another primary taste and thereby balance out the drink and make it more complex, giving it a more complete flavor profile.

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Mojito traditional Cuban highball cocktail

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Old Fashioned cocktail made of sugar with bitters and alcohol

The Old Fashioned is a cocktail made by muddling sugar with bitters, then adding alcohol, popularly whiskey but sometimes brandy, and finally a twist of citrus rind. It is traditionally served in a short, round, tumbler-like glass, which is called an Old Fashioned glass after the drink.

Margarita Mexican cocktail of tequila mixed with orange-flavoured liqueur

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Gibson (cocktail) mixed drink made with gin and vermouth

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Orange bitters cocktail flavoring

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Dark n Stormy highball cocktail

A Dark ’n’ Stormy is a highball cocktail made with dark rum and ginger beer served over ice and garnished with a slice of lime. Lime juice and simple syrup are also frequently added. This drink is very similar to the Moscow mule except that the Dark 'n' Stormy has dark rum instead of vodka.

The Cojito is a sweet cocktail made with lime and mint, and typically rum and coconut. It is a variant of the mojito, but typically adds coconut flavor. This can be done by adding coconut milk or coconut-flavored liqueurs, or by using coconut-flavored rum such as Blue Chair Bay, Cruzan coconut, or Malibu. Coconut on the rim of the cocktail glass may also be used. The use of coconut rum gives the Cojito a more "tropical" taste than the mojito. The strong minty taste may lead some to adjust downward the quantity of fresh mint leaves used.

Clover Club Cocktail gin cocktail

The Clover Club Cocktail is a cocktail consisting of gin, lemon juice, raspberry syrup, and an egg white. The egg white is not added for the purpose of giving the drink flavor, but rather acts as an emulsifier. Thus when the drink is shaken a characteristic foamy head is formed.

Mimosa (cocktail) drink composed of sparkling wine and citrus fruit juice

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BLT cocktail vodka cocktail with bacon, lettuce and tomato

A BLT cocktail is a cocktail made out of the contents of a BLT sandwich,, blended together with vodka. Variants on the drink include utilizing bacon vodka instead of traditional vodka, substituting liquor for lettuce, incorporating bacon salt, or including cucumber flavored vodka.

Derby (cocktail) cocktail

The Derby is an IBA Official Cocktail composed of gin, peach bitters and mint leaves.

Vampiro (cocktail) IBA Official Cocktail

The Vampiro is a cocktail that includes fruit juice, spices, fruit soda, fresh lime juice, and tequila. The Vampiro has a fruity, lightly carbonated, and spicy taste.


  1. "World Cocktail Day". World Cocktail Day. Retrieved 2017-05-03.
  2. "A Toast to World Cocktail Day". Bevvy. 2016-05-11. Retrieved 2017-05-03.