World Peace Congress (disambiguation)

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The World Peace Congress is a non-governmental organization dedicated to constructing an institutional basis for world peace, unmediated by state, government or politics.

World Peace Congress may also refer to:

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WPC may refer to:

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">World Peace Congress</span> Non-governmental organization

The World Peace Congress, founded by Professor Rajani Kannepalli Kanth in 2007, is a non-governmental organization dedicated to constructing an institutional basis for world peace, unmediated by state, government or politics. The Congress holds conferences and dialogues, regularly, attended by people with various backgrounds. These dialogues produced resolutions adopted initially at the first Congress in Salt Lake City, to ultimately achieve the goal of the Congress - to renounce war as a means of social and political policy. Later on, the World Peace Congress asked the United Nations to declare war as illegal by sending the Renunciation of War Resolution, resolutions adopted at the third World Peace Thai Congress in 2010, to UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, requesting him to ask all Heads of States of the UN to adopt the resolutions by suitably amending their individual Constitutions, or by enacting a special law by their legislatures. Since its foundation, the World Peace Congress has a wide range of participants, including Martin Almada, Shabana Azmi, A. Balasubramaniam, Roy Bhaskar, Oliver DeMille, Robert Jensen, Yinhe Li, Rajiv Malhotra, Ruth Manorama, N. Radhakrishnan, Sulak Sivaraksa, Tenzin Tethong, and John Zerzan.

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A peace congress, in international relations, has at times been defined in a way that would distinguish it from a peace conference, as an ambitious forum to carry out dispute resolution in international affairs, and prevent wars. This idea was widely promoted during the nineteenth century, anticipating the international bodies that would be set up in the twentieth century with comparable aims.

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