X12 EDIFACT Mapping

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In 1979, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) chartered the Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 to develop uniform standards for interindustry electronic exchange of business transactions-electronic data interchange (EDI)


In 1986, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) approved the acronym "UN/EDIFACT" which translates to United Nations Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport. UN/EDIFACT is an international EDI standard designed to meet the needs of both government and private industry.

The UN/EDIFACT Working Group (EWG), a permanent working group of the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT), develops and maintains UN/EDIFACT

X12 is used in the USA and by U.S. organizations worldwide. Much of the rest of the world uses the EDIFACT messages.


Price Sales Catalog832PRICAT
Price Authorization Acknowledgement/Status845ATHSTS
Specification/Technical Information841PRDSPE
Request For Quotation840REQOTE
Response To Request For Quotation843QUOTES
Electronic Bid Form833
Purchase Order850ORDERS
Purchase Order Acknowledgement855ORDRSP
Purchase Order Change860ORDCHG
Purchase Order Change Acknowledgement865ORDRSP
Order Status Inquiry869ORSSTA
Order Status Report870ORDREP
Contract Award836
Product Activity Data852SLSRPT
Planning Schedule/Material Release830DELFOR
Shipping Schedule862DELJIT
Production Sequence866
Ship Notice/manifest (ASN)856DESADV
Report of Test Results863QUALITY
Material Safety Data Sheet848
Contract Award836
Shipment Information (Bill of Lading)858IFTMCS
Receiving Advice861RECADV
Non-conformance Information-Disposition Transaction, Cause/Correction842
Inventory Inquiry/Advice846INVRPT
Product Transfer and Resale Report867
Product Transfer Account Adjustment844SSDCLM
Response To Product Transfer Account Adjustment849
Freight Invoice859IFTMCS
Payment order/Remittance Advice (EFT)820REMADV
Financial Information Reporting821
Eligibility Inquiry270
Eligibility Inquiry Response271
Claim Status Inquiry276
Claim Status Response277
Service Review Request278-13
Service Review Response278-11
Premium Payment and Deduction820
Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance834
Claim Remittance Advice835
Claim (Professional, Institutional, Dentist)837
Functional Acknowledgement997CONTRL
Application Advice824APERAK
Trading Partner Profile838PARTIN

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Electronic data interchange (EDI) is the concept of businesses electronically communicating information that was traditionally communicated on paper, such as purchase orders, advance ship notices, and invoices. Technical standards for EDI exist to facilitate parties transacting such instruments without having to make special arrangements.

Robert T. Crowley is a pioneer in the development and practice of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), an early component of electronic commerce.

The Accredited Standards Committee X12 is a standards organization. Chartered by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1979, it develops and maintains the X12 Electronic data interchange (EDI) and Context Inspired Component Architecture (CICA) standards along with XML schemas which drive business processes globally. The membership of ASC X12 includes technologists and business process experts, encompassing health care, insurance, transportation, finance, government, supply chain and other industries.

UN/CEFACT is the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business. It was established as an intergovernmental body of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in 1996 and evolved from UNECE's long tradition of work in trade facilitation which began in 1957.

An invoice, bill or tab is a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer relating to a sale transaction and indicating the products, quantities, and agreed-upon prices for products or services the seller had provided the buyer.

United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (UN/EDIFACT) is an international standard for electronic data interchange (EDI) developed for the United Nations and approved and published by UNECE, the UN Economic Commission for Europe.

AS2 is a specification on how to transport structured business-to-business data securely and reliably over the Internet. Security is achieved by using digital certificates and encryption.

The Data Interchange Standards Association (DISA) was the organization that supported various other organizations, for the most part, responsible for the development of cross-industry electronic business interchange standards.

UN/CEFACT TBG5 is the entity responsible for financial services under the United Nations Centre for Trade facilitation and Electronic Business, (UN/CEFACT) under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

The following is a list of all ASC X12 transaction sets across all releases.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Standard Carrier Alpha Code</span> Two to four letters identifier for freight carriers

The Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) is a privately controlled US code used to identify vessel operating common carriers (VOCC). It is typically two to four letters long. The National Motor Freight Traffic Association developed the SCAC code in the 1960s to help road transport companies computerize data and records.

WEDI, pronounced "wee dee", is a not-for-profit user group in the United States for users of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in public and private healthcare. It is sometimes referred to by other names including some or all of the words Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange.

Tradacoms is an early standard for EDI primarily used in the UK retail sector. It was introduced in 1982 as an implementation of the UN/GTDI syntax, one of the precursors of EDIFACT, and was maintained and extended by the UK Article Numbering Association.

XML/EDIFACT is an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) format used in Business-to-business transactions. It allows EDIFACT message types to be used by XML systems.

The Global Location Number (GLN) is part of the GS1 systems of standards. It is a simple tool used to identify a location and can identify locations uniquely where required. This identifier is compliant with norm ISO/IEC 6523.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dana Ulery</span> American computer scientist

Dana Ulery is an American computer scientist and pioneer in scientific computing applications.

Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup Language, commonly known as e-business XML, or ebXML as it is typically referred to, is a family of XML based standards sponsored by OASIS and UN/CEFACT whose mission is to provide an open, XML-based infrastructure that enables the global use of electronic business information in an interoperable, secure, and consistent manner by all trading partners.

Electronic invoicing is a form of electronic billing. E-invoicing includes a number of different technologies and entry options and is usually used as an umbrella term to describe any method by which a document is electronically presented from one party to another, either for payment or to present and monitor transactional documents between trade partners to ensure the terms of their trading agreements are being met. These documents can include invoices, purchase orders, debit notes, credit notes, payment terms, payment instructions, and remittance slips.

GS1 EDI is a set of global electronic messaging standards for business documents used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). The standards are developed and maintained by GS1. GS1 EDI is part of the overall GS1 system, fully integrated with other GS1 standards, increasing the speed and accuracy of the supply chain. Examples of GS1 EDI standards include messages such as: Order, Despatch Advice, Invoice, Transport Instruction, etc. The development and maintenance of all GS1 standards is based on a rigorous process called the Global Standard Management Process (GSMP). GS1 develops its global supply chain standards in partnership with the industries using them. Any organization can submit a request to modify the standard. Maintenance releases of GS1 EDI standards are typically published every two years, while code lists can be updated up to 4 times a year.

UNIDOC is an XML-based standard to support electronic data interchange (EDI) in business transactions between trading companies. Unlike other XML-based EDI formats, such as UBL, ebXML, RosettaNet or openTRANS, UNIDOC relies one a single structure. The first idea of such a universal format was published in 2014, its first specification in 2016 in the journal of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Swabia . The current specification can be found in the UNIDOC XML Schema Definition.