Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm

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Demonstration of Xiaolin Wu's algorithm LineXiaolinWu.gif
Demonstration of Xiaolin Wu's algorithm

Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm is an algorithm for line antialiasing.


Anti-Aliased Lines (blue) generated with Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm alongside standard lines (red) generated with Bresenham's line algorithm Xiaolin anti-aliased line comparison.png
Anti-Aliased Lines (blue) generated with Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm alongside standard lines (red) generated with Bresenham's line algorithm

Antialiasing technique

Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm was presented in the article "An Efficient Antialiasing Technique" in the July 1991 issue of Computer Graphics , as well as in the article "Fast Antialiasing" in the June 1992 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal .

Bresenham's algorithm draws lines extremely quickly, but it does not perform anti-aliasing. In addition, it cannot handle any cases where the line endpoints do not lie exactly on integer points of the pixel grid. A naive approach to anti-aliasing the line would take an extremely long time. Wu's algorithm is comparatively fast, but is still slower than Bresenham's algorithm. The algorithm consists of drawing pairs of pixels straddling the line, each coloured according to its distance from the line. Pixels at the line ends are handled separately. Lines less than one pixel long are handled as a special case.

An extension to the algorithm for circle drawing was presented by Xiaolin Wu in the book Graphics Gems II. Just as the line drawing algorithm is a replacement for Bresenham's line drawing algorithm, the circle drawing algorithm is a replacement for Bresenham's circle drawing algorithm.


functionplot(x,y,c)isplotthepixelat(x,y)withbrightnessc(where0c1)// integer part of xfunctionipart(x)isreturnfloor(x)functionround(x)isreturnipart(x+0.5)// fractional part of xfunctionfpart(x)isreturnx-ipart(x)functionrfpart(x)isreturn1-fpart(x)functiondrawLine(x0,y0,x1,y1)isbooleansteep:=abs(y1-y0)>abs(x1-x0)ifsteepthenswap(x0,y0)swap(x1,y1)endififx0>x1thenswap(x0,x1)swap(y0,y1)endifdx:=x1-x0dy:=y1-y0ifdx==0.0thengradient:=1.0elsegradient:=dy/dxendif// handle first endpointxend:=round(x0)yend:=y0+gradient*(xend-x0)xgap:=rfpart(x0+0.5)xpxl1:=xend// this will be used in the main loopypxl1:=ipart(yend)ifsteepthenplot(ypxl1,xpxl1,rfpart(yend)*xgap)plot(ypxl1+1,xpxl1,fpart(yend)*xgap)elseplot(xpxl1,ypxl1,rfpart(yend)*xgap)plot(xpxl1,ypxl1+1,fpart(yend)*xgap)endifintery:=yend+gradient// first y-intersection for the main loop// handle second endpointxend:=round(x1)yend:=y1+gradient*(xend-x1)xgap:=fpart(x1+0.5)xpxl2:=xend//this will be used in the main loopypxl2:=ipart(yend)ifsteepthenplot(ypxl2,xpxl2,rfpart(yend)*xgap)plot(ypxl2+1,xpxl2,fpart(yend)*xgap)elseplot(xpxl2,ypxl2,rfpart(yend)*xgap)plot(xpxl2,ypxl2+1,fpart(yend)*xgap)endif// main loopifsteepthenforxfromxpxl1+1toxpxl2-1dobeginplot(ipart(intery),x,rfpart(intery))plot(ipart(intery)+1,x,fpart(intery))intery:=intery+gradientendelseforxfromxpxl1+1toxpxl2-1dobeginplot(x,ipart(intery),rfpart(intery))plot(x,ipart(intery)+1,fpart(intery))intery:=intery+gradientendendifendfunction

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