The Young Generation Network, or YGN, is a branch of the Nuclear Institute founded in 1996. It is a British version of the European Young Generation Network created earlier in Sweden by Jan Runermark, a president of ABB Atom who had been concerned with preserving the know-how of retiring nuclear-energy pioneers and who perceived a need for greater efforts to retain young professionals. The YGN, which is open to NI members under the age of 37, organizes lectures, speaking competitions, and facility tours for new nuclear workers in Great Britain. It also conducts its own lobbying efforts, serves as a source for journalists seeking information about the nuclear-industry labour market and promotes careers in science and engineering in schools, colleges and universities.
The UK's objectives are based on those established by the European Nuclear Societies, which are to:
- personal networks
- exchange of experience
- exchange of best practice across companies
- development of nuclear technology
- recruitment and job opportunities
- career development.
The Science Council is a UK organisation that was established by Royal Charter in 2003. The principal activity of The Science Council is the promotion of the advancement and dissemination of knowledge of and education in science pure and applied, for the public benefit. The Science Council is the Competent Authority with respect to the European Union directive 2005/36/EC.
The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) is a UK engineering institution whose activities encompass the whole materials cycle, from exploration and extraction, through characterisation, processing, forming, finishing and application, to product recycling and land reuse. It exists to promote and develop all aspects of materials science and engineering, geology, mining and associated technologies, mineral and petroleum engineering and extraction metallurgy, as a leading authority in the worldwide materials and mining community.
The World Nuclear Association is the international organization that promotes nuclear power and supports the companies that comprise the global nuclear industry. Its members come from all parts of the nuclear fuel cycle, including uranium mining, uranium conversion, uranium enrichment, nuclear fuel fabrication, plant manufacture, transport, and the disposition of used nuclear fuel as well as electricity generation itself.
The International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) is a non governmental, independent and non-profit association by statutes and follows the mission statement to promote and develop professional waste management worldwide as a contribution to sustainable development.
The Chartered Quality Institute (CQI), formerly known as The Institute of Quality Assurance (IQA), is the chartered body for quality professionals. It improves the performance of organisations by developing their capability in quality management. As a registered charity, the CQI exists to advance education in, knowledge of and the practice of quality in the industry, the public sector and the voluntary sectors.
The Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) was a public-private partnership between global energy and engineering companies and the UK Government that was established in the United Kingdom in 2007. The government set up the ETI following an announcement in the 2006 budget speech. The purpose of the ETI is to “accelerate the development, demonstration and eventual commercial deployment of a focused portfolio of energy technologies, which will increase energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help achieve energy and climate change goals”. The institute works with a range of academic and commercial bodies.
The National Energy Education Development Project is dedicated to promoting an energy conscious and educated society by creating effective networks of students, educators, business, government and community leaders to design and deliver objective, multi-sided energy education programs. The NEED Project's educator network includes over 65,000 classrooms nationwide who use NEED's annually up-dated curriculum materials.
The Institute of Knowledge Transfer (IKT) is the sole accredited professional body open to all those who predominantly work in the broad and emerging profession of knowledge transfer.
The British Horseracing Authority, also known simply as the BHA, is the regulatory authority for horse racing in Great Britain.
Open Ukraine Foundation is a nonpartisan international philanthropic foundation established in July 2007 by Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Zbigniev Drzymala to support public diplomacy and raise the profile of Ukraine internationally. Also for strengthening and development of Ukraine’s reputation in the world.
Since being founded in 1975, the European Nuclear Society (ENS) has grown to become the largest society in Europe for science, engineering and research in support of the nuclear industry. ENS’s membership consists of national nuclear societies from 22 European countries, plus Israel. Within the membership there are also stakeholder representatives for nuclear technology and research businesses, with around 60 corporate members. ENS exists to promote the advancement of peaceful uses of nuclear energy on an international level, encouraging networking between countries and facilitating meetings to support global communication on scientific and technical affairs. ENS also supports education and training in engineering, promotes international standardisation in the nuclear industry, coordinates the activities of the member organisations and develops the expertise and capability needed for the future of the industry. One of ENS’s activities is organising conferences and workshops, providing a platform for international forums to exchange knowledge, experience, ideas and scientific developments.
The Nuclear Institute is the professional body representing nuclear professionals in the UK.
Media development involves capacity building for institutions or individuals related to freedom of expression, pluralism and diversity of media, as well as transparency of media ownership. Media development plays a role in democracy and effective democratic discourse through supporting free and independent media.
In December 2009, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 64/134 proclaiming the year commencing 12 August 2010 as the International Year of Youth.
IIHEM is a higher education institute whose diplomas are recognised by the government of Morocco. Indeed, IIHEM is among an elite 5% of business schools whose diplomas are recognised by the government as being fully equivalent to public university diplomas. IIHEM is also the pioneer English language international education in Morocco, since its inauguration in 1988.
The United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS) is a Research and Training Institute of the United Nations University (UNU). Based in Bruges, (Belgium) since 2001, UNU-CRIS specializes in the comparative study of regional integration and the provision of global and regional public goods, including environmental stability, poverty reduction, peace and justice.
Institute of Food Science & Technology is an independent qualifying body for food professionals based in the UK and is concerned with all aspects of food science and technology.
The Nuclear Industry Association (NIA) is the trade association for the civil nuclear industry in the United Kingdom. It represents more than 260 companies across the nuclear supply chain. The diversity of NIA membership enables effective and constructive industry-wide interaction. It publishes the quarterly magazine, Industry Link and it represents over 65,000 workers in the industry.
The World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI) is an international organisation that represents the collective interests of the nuclear power and packaging industries and those who rely on it for the safe, efficient and reliable transport of radioactive materials. Through the WNTI, companies are working together to promote a sound international framework for the future by helping to build international consensus, co-operation and understanding. The Institute was founded in 1998. The WNTI is a private, non-profit organisation funded by membership subscriptions. Member companies are drawn from a wide range of industry sectors including major utilities, fuel producers and fabricators, transport companies, package designers, package producers and mines. Headquartered in London, the WNTI Secretariat has a small staff of qualified professionals working closely with members and other international bodies involved in the transport of radioactive materials.
The European Astrobiology Network Association (EANA) coordinates and facilities research expertise in astrobiology in Europe.