10th Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party

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The 10th Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP) was elected at the 10th LPRP National Congress in 2016. It is composed of 69 members and 8 alternate members. [1]



RankName Akson Lao 9th CC 11th CC Gender
1 Bounnhang Vorachit ບຸນຍັງ ວໍລະຈິດOld3RetiredMale
2 Thongloun Sisoulith ທອງລຸນ ສີສຸລິດOld6Reelected1Male
3 Pany Yathotou ນາງ ປານີ ຢາທໍ່ຕູ້Old4Reelected3Female
4 Bounthong Chitmany ບຸນທອງ ຈິດມະນີOld9Reelected4Male
5 Phankham Viphavanh ພັນຄຳ ວິພາວັນOld11Reelected2Male
6 Chansy Phosikham ຈັນສີ ໂພສີຄຳOld13NotMale
7 Saysomphone Phomvihane ໄຊສົມພອນ ພົມວິຫານOld17Reelected5Male
8 Chansamone Chanyalath ຈັນສະໝອນ ຈັນຍາລາດOld27Reelected6Male
9 Khamphan Phommathat ຄໍາພັນ ພົມມະທັດOld32Reelected7Male
10 Sinlavong Khoutphaythoune ສິນລະວົງ ຄຸດໄພທູນOld31Reelected8Male
11 Sonexay Siphandone ສອນໄຊ ສີພັນດອນOld34Reelected9Male
12 Sengnouan Xayalath ແສງນວນ ໄຊຍະລາດOld15RetiredMale
13 Kikeo Khaykhamphithoune ກິແກ້ວ ໄຂຄໍາພິທູນOld39Reelected10Male
14 Somkeo Silavong ສົມແກ້ວ ສີລາວົງOld53NotMale
15 Vilay Lakhamfong ວິໄລ ຫລ້າຄໍາຟອງNewReelected11Male
16 Bounpone Bouttanavong ບຸນປອນ ບຸດຕະນະວົງOld10RetiredMale
17 Somphanh Phengkhammy ສົມພັນ ແພງຄຳມີOld18RetiredMale
18 Khammanh Sounvileuth ຄຳໝັ້ນ ສູນວິເລີດOld21RetiredMale
19 Chaleun Yiapaoher ຈະເລີນ ເຢຍປາວເຮີOld22Reelected19Male
20 Khamsane Souvong ຄຳສານ ສຸວົງOld30NotMale
21 Somkot Mangnomek ສົມກົດ ມັງໜໍ່ເມກOld33NotMale
22 Nam Viyaketh ນາມ ວິຍະເກດOld35RetiredMale
23 Sisay Leudetmounsone ສີໃສ ລືເດດມູນສອນOld37Reelected12Female
24 Khambay Damlath ຄຳໃບ ດຳລັດOld40Reelected20Male
25 Sommad Pholsena ສົມມາດ ພົນເສນາOld41Reelected21Male
26 Somdy Duangdy ສົມດີ ດວງດີOld42NotMale
27 Bosengkham Vongdara ບໍ່ແສງຄໍາ ວົງດາລາOld44NotMale
28 Lien Thikeo ລຽນ ທິແກ້ວOld45NotMale
29 Eksavang Vongvichit ເອກສະຫວ່າງ ວົງວິຈິດOld46NotMale
30 Xaysi Santivong ໄຊສີ ສັນຕິວົງOld48NotMale
31 Khampheng Saysompheng ຄຳແພງ ໄຊສົມແພງOld49Reelected22Male
32 Souvone Leuangbounmy ສຸວອນ ເລືອງບຸນມີOld51Reelected23Male
33 Khammeung Phongthady ຄຳເມິງ ພົງທະດີOld52NotMale
34 Khamjane Vongphosy ຄຳເຈນ ວົງໂພສີOld54Reelected24Male
35 Pan Noymany ປ້ານ ນ້ອຍມະນີOld55NotMale
36 Soukkongseng Saignaleuth ສຸກກົງແສງ ໄຊຍະເລີດOld56NotMale
37 Khamphanh Sitthidampha ຄຳພັນ ສິດທິດຳພາOld57Reelected25Male
38 Khampheuy Bouddavieng ຄຳເຜີຍ ບຸດດາວຽງOld59Reelected26Male
39 Sounthone Xayachack ສູນທອນ ໄຊຍະຈັກOld60Reelected17Female
40 Thongloy Silivong ທອງລອຍ ສິລິວົງOld61Reelected27Male
41 Khammany Inthirath ຄຳມະນີ ອິນທິລາດNewNotMale
42 Oday Soudaphone ໂອໄດ ສຸດາພອນNewNotMale
43 Kongkeo Xaysongkham ກອງແກ້ວ ໄຊສົງຄາມNewReelected28Male
44 Inlavanh Keobounphanh ອິນລາວັນ ແກ້ວບຸນພັນNewReelected29Female
45 Khamkhan Chanthavisouk ຄຳຂັນ ຈັນທະວີສຸກNewReelected30Male
46 Khemmani Pholsena ເຂັມມະນີ ພົນເສນາNewReelected31Female
47 Boviengkham Vongdara ບໍ່ວຽງຄໍາ ວົງດາລາNewReelected32Male
48 Viengthong Siphandone ວຽງທອງ ສີພັນດອນNewReelected18Female
49 Sonethanou Thammavong ສອນທະນູ ທຳມະວົງNewReelected33Male
50 Saleumxay Kommasith ສະເຫລີມໄຊ ກົມມະສິດNewReelected13Male
51 Sengdeuane Lachanthaboun ແສງເດືອນ ຫລ້າຈັນທະບູນNewNotFemale
52 Vilayvong Bouddakham ວິໄລວົງ ບຸດດາຄຳNewReelected34Male
53 Somphao Phaysith ສົມພາວ ໄຟສິດNewNotMale
54 Thansamay Kommasith ທັນສະໄໝ ກົມມະສິດNewNotMale
55 Thongsalith Mangnomek ທອງສະຫລິດ ມັງໜໍ່ເມກNewReelected16Male
56 Bounchanh Sinthavong ບຸນຈັນ ສິນທະວົງNewNotMale
57 Sisouvanh Vongchomsy ສີສຸວັນ ວົງຈອມສີNewNotMale
58 Phet Phomphiphak ເພັດ ພົມພິພັກNewReelected35Male
59 Phongsavanh Sitthavong ພົງສະຫວັນ ສິດທະວົງNewReelected36Male
60 Khamphanh Pheuyavong ຄຳພັນ ເຜີຍຍະວົງNewReelected14Male
61 Phetsakhone Luang-aphay ເພັດສາຄອນ ຫລວງອາໄພNewNotMale
62 Vidong Sayasone ວິດົງ ໄຊຍະສອນNewNotMale
63 Anouphab Tounalom ອະນຸພາບ ຕຸນາລົມNewReelected15Male
64 Sinthavong Xayakone ສິນທະວົງ ໄຊຍະກອນNewNotMale
65 Bounthong Divixay ບຸນຖອງ ດີວິໄຊNewNotMale
66 Souphanh Keomixay ສຸພັນ ແກ້ວມີໄຊNewNotMale
67 Vanxay Phengxoumma ວັນໄຊ ແພງຊຸມມາNewReelected37Male
68 Phetthavone Philavanh ເພັດຖາວອນ ພິລາວັນNewNotMale
69 Santiphab Phomvihane ສັນຕິພາບ ພົມວິຫານNewReelected38Male
[2] [3] [4]


RankName Akson Lao 11th CC Gender
1 Bounkham Vorachit ບຸນຄໍາ ວໍລະຈິດMember39Female
2 Buakhong Nammavong ບົວຄົງ ນາມມະວົງMember40Male
3 Sonexay Sitphaxay ສອນໄຊ ສິດພະໄຊMember41Male
4 Baykham Khattiya ໃບຄໍາ ຂັດຕິຍະMember42Female
5 Alounxay Sounnalath ອາລຸນໄຊ ສູນນະລາດMember43Male
6 Suanesavanh Vignaket ສວນສະຫວັນ ວິຍະເກດMember44Female
7 Phoxay Sayasone ໂພໄຊ ໄຊຍະສອນMember45Male
8 Laopaoxong Navongxay ລາວປາວຊົງ ນະວົງໄຊMember46Male
[2] [3] [4]

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  1. "The 10th Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party". Archived from the original on 16 January 2021. Retrieved 26 January 2021.
  2. 1 2 "ກອງປະຊຸມໃຫ່ຍຜູ້ແທນທົ່ວປະເທດຄັ້ງທີ IX ຂອງພັກ" [The 9th National Congress of the Party]. Ministry of Public Security. 2011. Archived from the original on 1 April 2021. Retrieved 1 April 2021.
  3. 1 2 "ກອງປະຊຸມໃຫຍ່ຄັ້ງທີ X ຂອງພັກ ເລືອກຕັ້ງເອົາຄະນະບໍລິຫານສູນກາງພັກຊຸດໃໝ່" [The 10th National Congress elects new Central Committee]. China Radio International. 21 January 2016. Archived from the original on 2 April 2021. Retrieved 2 April 2021.
  4. 1 2 Somphabmixay, Vilaysak (15 January 2021). "ຜົນການລາຍງານການເລືອກຕັ້ງຄະນະບໍລິຫານງານສູນກາງພັກ ແລະ ຜົນກອງປະຊຸມຄັ້ງປະຖົມມະລືກຂອງຄະນະບໍລິຫານງານສູນກາງພັກ ສະໄໝທີ XI" [The results of the election report delivered to the inaugural session of the 11th Party Central Committee]. Pasaxon . Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party. Archived from the original on 1 April 2021. Retrieved 1 April 2021.