Alvarez' syndrome

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Alvarez' syndrome
Specialty Gastroenterology

Alvarez' syndrome is a medical disorder in which the abdomen becomes bloated without any obvious reason, such as intestinal gas. It may be caused when the muscles of the superior abdominal wall contract and push the contents of the abdomen inferiorly and anteriorly. It may be a psychogenic disorder. It was discovered by and named for Walter C. Alvarez in the late 1940s. [1] [2] [3]

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  1. Alvarez' syndrome at Who Named It?
  2. Alvarez WC (1947). "Marked abdominal bloating not due to gas but to a neurosis of the abdominal wall". Trans Assoc Am Physicians. 60 (1 vol): 86–91. PMID   18917246.
  3. Alvarez WC (Aug 1949). "Hysterical type of nongaseous abdominal bloating". Arch Intern Med . Chicago. 84 (2): 217–245. doi:10.1001/archinte.1949.00230020020002. PMID   18138437. Archived from the original on 2011-07-26. Retrieved 2010-07-02.