Hip (disambiguation)

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The hip is an anatomical region and a joint.


Hip or HIP may also refer to:

Science and technology





Other uses

See also

Related Research Articles

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PCP may refer to:

Chip may refer to:

A trap is a device used for trapping animals.

HD may refer to:

MSP often refers to:

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MIP may refer to:

A map is a symbolic visual representation of an area.

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Pip, PIP, Pips, PIPS, and similar, may refer to:

HCC may refer to:

Gap or The Gap may refer to various openings, vacant spaces, lacks or pauses:

IUP may refer to:

App, Apps or APP may refer to:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hip</span> Anatomical region between the torso and the legs, holding the buttocks and genital region

In vertebrate anatomy, the hip, or coxa(pl.: coxae) in medical terminology, refers to either an anatomical region or a joint on the outer (lateral) side of the pelvis.

CCP is the Chinese Communist Party, the sole ruling party in the People's Republic of China.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Huntingtin</span> Gene and protein involved in Huntingtons disease

Huntingtin(Htt) is the protein coded for in humans by the HTT gene, also known as the IT15 ("interesting transcript 15") gene. Mutated HTT is the cause of Huntington's disease (HD), and has been investigated for this role and also for its involvement in long-term memory storage.

HCP may refer to:

Interaction is action that occurs between two or more entities, generally used in philosophy and the sciences. It may refer to: