List of Inferno applications

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This is a list of Inferno programs . Most of these programs are very similar to the Plan 9 applications or UNIX programs with the same name.


System software

General user

System Management

Processes and tasks management

  • time – time command execution
  • kill, broke – terminate processes
  • sleep, pause – suspend execution for an interval
  • ps – process (thread) status
  • wm/task – graphical task manager

User management and support

  • auth/passwd – change user password
  • man, wm/man, man2txt, lookman – print or find manual pages

Files and Text

Filesystem Utilities

  • chgrp – change file's group or owner
  • chmod – change file mode (permissions)
  • cp, fcp – copy files
  • du – disk usage
  • lc – list files in columns
  • ls – list files
  • mkdir – make a directory
  • mv – move files
  • bind, mount, unmount – change name space
  • pwd – working directory
  • rm – remove files
  • touch – update the modification time of one or more files

Archivers and compression

  • ar – archive maintainer
  • gettar, lstar, puttar – tar archive utilities
  • gzip, gunzip – compression and decompression utilities

Text Processing

  • cat – concatenate files
  • cmp – compare two files
  • diff – differential file comparator
  • fmt – simple text formatter
  • freq – print histogram of character frequencies
  • grep – pattern matching
  • p – paginate
  • read – read from standard input with optional seek
  • tail – deliver the last part of a file
  • tcs – translate character sets
  • tr – translate characters
  • wc – count lines, words, and characters


  • acme, win – interactive text windows, and an editor environment
  • wm/brutus – screen editor with support for SGML
  • vixen – a vi clone
  • wm/edit – simple graphical text editor

Communication, networking and remote access

Grid computing

  • grid/localreg – starts a registry on the local machine
  • grid/srv/monitor – graphical display for viewing resource use.
  • grid/srv/ns, grid/runns – exports a selected namespace and serves it on stdin.
  • grid/query – graphical interface to view resources registered with a known registry
  • grid/register – registers a resource with a known registry


Programming tools

Application software

Web browsers

Desktop Publishing

Graphics and multimedia

Various utilities and games

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