Party lists for the 2009 Israeli legislative election

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The 2009 Israeli legislative election was held using closed list proportional representation. Each party presented a list of candidates to the Central Elections Committee prior to the election.



  1. Jamal Zahalka
  2. Said Nafa
  3. Haneen Zoabi
  4. Abbas Zakour
  5. Oonie Tuma


  1. Mohammad Barakeh
  2. Hana Sweid
  3. Dov Khenin
  4. Afu Agbaria
  5. Aida Touma-Suleiman

The Jewish Home

  1. Daniel Hershkowitz
  2. Zevulun Orlev
  3. Uri Orbach
  4. Nissan Slomiansky
  5. Sar Shalom Gerbi


  1. Tzipi Livni
  2. Shaul Mofaz
  3. Dalia Itzik
  4. Tzachi Hanegbi
  5. Roni Bar-On
  6. Ze'ev Boim
  7. Meir Sheetrit
  8. Ruhama Avraham
  9. Avi Dichter
  10. Marina Solodkin
  11. Yoel Hasson
  12. Gideon Ezra
  13. Yaakov Edri
  14. Eli Aflalo
  15. Ze'ev Bielski
  16. Ronit Tirosh
  17. Haim Ramon
  18. Nachman Shai
  19. Shlomo Molla
  20. Robert Tiviaev
  21. Majalli Wahabi
  22. Rachel Adato
  23. Yohanan Plesner
  24. Shai Hermesh
  25. Yisrael Hasson
  26. Aryeh Bibi
  27. Otniel Schneller
  28. Orit Zuaretz
  29. Yulia Shamalov-Berkovich
  30. Nino Abesadze
  31. Avner Barazani
  32. Doron Avital
  33. Avi Duan
  34. Yuval Zellner
  35. Akram Hasson
  36. Ahmed Dabbah
  37. David Tal
  38. Dimitri Rusinski
  39. Aharon Ben Hamo
  40. Eitan Shalom


  1. Ehud Barak
  2. Isaac Herzog
  3. Ophir Pines-Paz
  4. Avishay Braverman
  5. Shelly Yachimovich
  6. Matan Vilnai
  7. Eitan Cabel
  8. Binyamin Ben-Eliezer
  9. Yuli Tamir
  10. Amir Peretz
  11. Daniel Ben-Simon
  12. Shalom Simhon
  13. Orit Noked
  14. Einat Wilf
  15. Raleb Majadele
  16. Shachiv Shnaan
  17. Yoram Marciano
  18. Leon Litinetsky
  19. Colette Avital
  20. Moshe Samia
  21. Yosef Sulimani
  22. Arik Hadad


  1. Benjamin Netanyahu
  2. Gideon Sa'ar
  3. Gilad Erdan
  4. Reuven Rivlin
  5. Benny Begin
  6. Moshe Kahlon
  7. Silvan Shalom
  8. Moshe Ya'alon
  9. Yuval Steinitz
  10. Lea Nass
  11. Israel Katz
  12. Yuli Edelstein
  13. Limor Livnat
  14. Haim Katz
  15. Yossi Peled
  16. Michael Eitan
  17. Dan Meridor
  18. Tzipi Hotovely
  19. Gila Gamliel
  20. Ze'ev Elkin
  21. Yariv Levin
  22. Zion Pinyan
  23. Ayoob Kara
  24. Danny Danon
  25. Carmel Shama
  26. Ofir Akunis
  27. Miri Regev
  28. Alali Adamso
  29. Itzik Danino  [ he ]
  30. David Even Tzur
  31. Keti Shitrit
  32. Keren Barak

National Union

  1. Ya'akov Katz
  2. Uri Ariel
  3. Aryeh Eldad
  4. Michael Ben-Ari
  5. Uri Bank
  6. Alon Davidi

New Movement-Meretz

  1. Haim Oron
  2. Ilan Gilon
  3. Nitzan Horowitz
  4. Zahava Gal-On
  5. Mossi Raz
  6. Avshalom Vilan


  1. Ibrahim Sarsur
  2. Ahmad Tibi
  3. Taleb el-Sana
  4. Masud Ghnaim
  5. Talab Abu Arar


  1. Eli Yishai
  2. Ariel Atias
  3. Yitzhak Cohen
  4. Amnon Cohen
  5. Meshulam Nahari
  6. Ya'akov Margi
  7. David Azulai
  8. Yitzhak Vaknin
  9. Nissim Ze'ev
  10. Haim Amsalem
  11. Avraham Michaeli
  12. Mazor Bahaina
  13. Refael Cohen

United Torah Judaism

  1. Yaakov Litzman
  2. Moshe Gafni
  3. Meir Porush
  4. Uri Maklev
  5. Eliezer Moses
  6. Yisrael Eichler
  7. Menachem Carmel
  8. Yaakov Gutterman

Yisrael Beiteinu

  1. Avigdor Lieberman
  2. Uzi Landau
  3. Stas Misezhnikov
  4. Yitzhak Aharonovich
  5. Sofa Landver
  6. Orly Levy
  7. Danny Ayalon
  8. David Rotem
  9. Anastassia Michaeli
  10. Faina Kirschenbaum
  11. Robert Ilatov
  12. Hamad Amar
  13. Moshe Matalon
  14. Lia Shemtov
  15. Alex Miller
  16. Yitzhak Slavin

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