United Nations Security Council Resolution 168

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UN Security Council
Resolution 168
Date November 3 1961
Meeting no. 972
Code S/4972 (Document)
SubjectRecommendation regarding the appointment of an acting Secretary-General
Voting summary
11 voted for
None voted against
None abstained
Result Adopted
Security Council composition
Permanent members
Non-permanent members

United Nations Security Council Resolution 168 was adopted on November 3, 1961. After Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld was killed in a plane crash, the Security Council met to select his successor. The Council recommended to the General Assembly that Burmese diplomat U Thant be appointed as acting Secretary-General for the remainder of rest of Hammarskjöld's term.

United Nations Intergovernmental organization

The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization that was tasked to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international co-operation and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. The headquarters of the UN is in Manhattan, New York City, and is subject to extraterritoriality. Further main offices are situated in Geneva, Nairobi, and Vienna. The organization is financed by assessed and voluntary contributions from its member states. Its objectives include maintaining international peace and security, protecting human rights, delivering humanitarian aid, promoting sustainable development and upholding international law. The UN is the largest, most familiar, most internationally represented and most powerful intergovernmental organization in the world. In 24 October 1945, at the end of World War II, the organization was established with the aim of preventing future wars. At its founding, the UN had 51 member states; there are now 193. The UN is the successor of the ineffective League of Nations.

A United Nations Security Council resolution is a UN resolution adopted by the fifteen members of the Security Council; the UN body charged with "primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security".

Dag Hammarskjöld Swedish diplomat, economist, and author

Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld was a Swedish economist and diplomat who served as the second Secretary-General of the United Nations. Hammarskjöld was the youngest person to have held the post, at an age of 47 years upon his appointment. His second term was cut short when he died in the crash of his DC-6 airplane while en route to cease-fire negotiations during the Congo Crisis. He is one of only four people to be awarded a posthumous Nobel Prize.

The resolution was adopted unanimously by all members of the Council.

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1961 United Nations Secretary-General selection

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