National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse

Last updated
Toulouse Institute of Technology
National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (logo).svg
Formation1969 (1969)
Type Institute of Technology
Catherine Xuereb
Gilles Boucher
Foreign Relationships
Joëlle Courbières
Communication & Public relations
Florence Lauriac

Toulouse Institute of Technology (also called National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse or INPT) is a French university cluster based in Toulouse, France, part of University of Toulouse. It was founded in 1969. [1] The institute is composed of seven schools (six engineering schools and one school of veterinary medicine) and 17 research laboratories. The institute delivers master's degrees and Ph.D. It is a member of Institut au service du spatial, de ses applications et technologies. [2] [3] [4]



The seven schools of the institute are:

Engineering schools

School of veterinary medicine

Notes and references

  1. (in French) Fac-similé JO du 15/10/1969, page 10210
  2. (in French) Membres
  3. Members
  4. (in French) Paul-Sabatier et l'INP Toulouse parmi les 1000 meilleures universités du monde

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