Action Medical Research

Last updated
Action Medical Research
Founder Duncan Guthrie
Registration no.208701
FocusMedical Research into Children’s Diseases
Key people
Charles Guthrie, Baron Guthrie of Craigiebank.

Action Medical Research, previously The National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases, is a British medical research charity, founded in 1952, that focusses on funding research to prevent and treat disease and disability in babies and children. [1] [2]


Action Medical Research is a registered charity No. 208701. [1] It is the leading UK-wide charity dedicated to saving and changing children’s lives through medical research.

They want to make a difference:

They do this by:


Founded in 1952 as the National Fund for Poliomyelitis Research by Duncan Guthrie, the charity's original aim was the eradication of polio. [2] During the 1940s and 1950s, epidemics of paralytic poliomyelitis were frequent in the UK, and the charity helped to fund the first British polio vaccine. [3] [4] After the steep reduction in paralytic poliomyelitis resulting from the introduction of the vaccine, the charity's activities diversified. It became The National Fund for Research into Poliomyelitis and Other Crippling Diseases in 1960 and The National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases in 1967, becoming known informally as Action Research for the Crippled Child. It was renamed Action Research in 1990, and became Action Medical Research in 2003. [2] [5] The World Health Organization's 2002 declaration that Europe is free from polio coincided with the charity's fiftieth anniversary. [4]

The charity was founded in 1952 by Duncan Guthrie, who made it his mission to raise funds to defeat polio, a condition that affected the lives of many thousands of children including his own daughter Janet. His mission was realised when within 10 years, the first UK polio vaccines were introduced. Since then the charity has supported some of the most significant medical breakthroughs in recent history – breakthroughs that have helped save thousands of children’s lives and changed many more.

Projects and breakthroughs

Their major focus has been on pregnancy and conditions affecting babies, with involvement in projects including the rubella vaccine, ultrasound scanning in pregnancy, intrauterine blood typing, folic acid in the prevention of spina bifida, and the diagnosis of retinopathy in premature babies. Projects in older children include diet in liver disease and treatment of burns in children. Other projects include treatment for epilepsy. The charity has also been involved in hip replacement surgery and the development of aids for the elderly and severely disabled, including communication aids, the shapeable 'matrix' wheelchair and the 'Tools for Living' programme. The charity has also funded research into osteoporosis, nerve repair, hydrocephalus and myasthenia gravis.

The charity has supported some of the most significant medical breakthroughs in recent history – breakthroughs that have helped save thousands of children’s lives and changed many more.

Breakthroughs – helping more babies by:

Breakthroughs – supporting children with disabilities by:

Breakthroughs – protecting children from infections by:

Breakthroughs – finding the causes of and developing treatments for diseases by:

Fundraising activities

Action Medical Research raises funds through a variety of activities including, but not exclusive to, events, legacies, trust, weekly lottery, regular donations, appeals, and corporate support.

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