Knuth's Simpath algorithm

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Simpath is an algorithm introduced by Donald Knuth that constructs a zero-suppressed decision diagram (ZDD) representing all simple paths between two vertices in a given graph. [1] [2]

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  1. Knuth, Donald (2011). The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4A. Addison-Wesley Professional: Boston, MA, USA. p. 254,275.
  2. Yoshinaka, Ryo; Saitoh, Toshiki; Kawahara, Jun; Tsuruma, Koji; Iwashita, Hiroaki; Minato, Shin-Ichi (2012). "Finding All Solutions and Instances of Numberlink and Slitherlink by ZDDs". Algorithms. 5 (2): 176–213. doi: 10.3390/a5020176 .