Pill thermometer

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A pill thermometer is an ingestible thermometer that allows a person's core temperature to be continuously monitored. It was developed by NASA in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University for use with astronauts. [1] Since then the pill has been used by mountain climbers, [2] football players, cyclists, [3] F1 drivers. [4] and in the mining industry.

The Thermometer Pill is currently manufactured by the company, HQ Inc under the brand name CorTemp. [5]

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  1. Boen, Brooke. "NASA - Ingestible Thermometer Pill Helps Athletes Beat the Heat". www.nasa.gov.
  2. "NOVA | Transcripts | Deadly Ascent | PBS". www.pbs.org.
  3. Twitter feed
  4. "The pill that takes drivers' temperature". BBC Sport.
  5. "Home". HQ, Inc.