Pruning (artificial neural network)

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In the context of artificial neural network, pruning is the practice of removing parameters (which may entail removing individual parameters, or parameters in groups such as by neurons) from an existing network. [1] The goal of this process is to maintain accuracy of the network while increasing its efficiency. This can be done to reduce the computational resources required to run the neural network. A biological process of synaptic pruning takes place in the brain of mammals during development [2] (see also Neural Darwinism).


Node (neuron) pruning

A basic algorithm for pruning is as follows: [3] [4]

  1. Evaluate the importance of each neuron.
  2. Rank the neurons according to their importance (assuming there is a clearly defined measure for "importance").
  3. Remove the least important neuron.
  4. Check a termination condition (to be determined by the user) to see whether to continue pruning.

Edge (weight) pruning

Most work on neural network pruning focuses on removing weights, namely, setting their values to zero. Early work suggested to also change the values of non-pruned weights. [5]

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Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are models created using machine learning to perform a number of tasks. Their creation was inspired by neural circuitry. While some of the computational implementations ANNs relate to earlier discoveries in mathematics, the first implementation of ANNs was by psychologist Frank Rosenblatt, who developed the perceptron. Little research was conducted on ANNs in the 1970s and 1980s, with the AAAI calling that period an "AI winter".

The spike response model (SRM) is a spiking neuron model in which spikes are generated by either a deterministic or a stochastic threshold process. In the SRM, the membrane voltage V is described as a linear sum of the postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) caused by spike arrivals to which the effects of refractoriness and adaptation are added. The threshold is either fixed or dynamic. In the latter case it increases after each spike. The SRM is flexible enough to account for a variety of neuronal firing pattern in response to step current input. The SRM has also been used in the theory of computation to quantify the capacity of spiking neural networks; and in the neurosciences to predict the subthreshold voltage and the firing times of cortical neurons during stimulation with a time-dependent current stimulation. The name Spike Response Model points to the property that the two important filters and of the model can be interpreted as the response of the membrane potential to an incoming spike (response kernel , the PSP) and to an outgoing spike (response kernel , also called refractory kernel). The SRM has been formulated in continuous time and in discrete time. The SRM can be viewed as a generalized linear model (GLM) or as an (integrated version of) a generalized integrate-and-fire model with adaptation.


  1. Blalock, Davis; Ortiz, Jose Javier Gonzalez; Frankle, Jonathan; Guttag, John (2020-03-06). "What is the State of Neural Network Pruning?". arXiv: 2003.03033 [cs.LG].
  2. Chechik, Gal; Meilijson, Isaac; Ruppin, Eytan (October 1998). "Synaptic Pruning in Development: A Computational Account". Neural Computation. 10 (7): 1759–1777. doi:10.1162/089976698300017124. ISSN   0899-7667. PMID   9744896. S2CID   14629275.
  3. Molchanov, P., Tyree, S., Karras, T., Aila, T., & Kautz, J. (2016). Pruning convolutional neural networks for resource efficient inference. arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.06440.
  4. Gildenblat, Jacob (2017-06-23). "Pruning deep neural networks to make them fast and small". Github. Retrieved 2024-02-04.
  5. Chechik, Gal; Meilijson, Isaac; Ruppin, Eytan (April 2001). "Effective Neuronal Learning with Ineffective Hebbian Learning Rules". Neural Computation. 13 (4): 817–840. doi:10.1162/089976601300014367. ISSN   0899-7667. PMID   11255571. S2CID   133186.