Sulfate carbonate

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Hanksite Hanksite-27109.jpg

The sulfate carbonates are a compound carbonates, or mixed anion compounds that contain sulfate and carbonate ions. Sulfate carbonate minerals are in the 7.DG and 5.BF Nickel-Strunz groupings. [1]


They may be formed by crystallization from a water solution, or by melting a carbonate and sulfate together.

In some structures carbonate and sulfate can substitute for each other. For example a range from 1.4 to 2.2 Na2SO4•Na2CO3 is stable as a solid solution. [2] Silvialite can substitute about half its sulfate with carbonate [3] and the high temperature hexagonal form of sodium sulfate (I) Na2SO4 can substitute unlimited proportions of carbonate instead of sulfate. [4]


nameformulasystemspace groupunit cellvolume


Brianyoungite Zn12(CO3)3(SO4)(OH)16MonoclinicP21/ma = 15.724 b = 6.256 c = 5.427 β = 90°533.84.09Biaxial nα = 1.635 nβ = 1.650 [5]
Burkeite Na6(CO3)(SO4)2orthorhombica = 7.05 b = 9.21 c = 5.16335.042.57Biaxial (-) nα = 1.448 nβ = 1.489 nγ = 1.493

2V: measured: 34° , calculated: 32°

Max birefringence: δ = 0.045

Caledonite Pb5Cu2(SO4)3(CO3)(OH)6OrthorhombicPmn21a = 20.089 b = 7.146 c = 6.56941.75.77Biaxial (-) nα = 1.818(3) nβ = 1.866(3) nγ = 1.909(3)

2V: measured: 85° , calculated: 84°

Max birefringence: δ = 0.091

bluish green

Carraraite Ca3(SO4)[Ge(OH)6](CO3) · 12H2OhexagonalP63/m?a = 11.056 c = 10.6291125.17Uniaxial (+) nω = 1.479(1) nε = 1.509(1)

Max birefringence: δ = 0.030

Carbonatecyanotrichite Cu4Al2(CO3,SO4)(OH)12 · 2H2OOrthorhombicBiaxial (+) nα = 1.616 nβ = 1.630 nγ = 1.677

2V: measured: 55° to 60°, calculated: 60°

Max birefringence: δ = 0.061

pale blue

Claraite (Cu,Zn)15(AsO4)2(CO3)4(SO4)(OH)14·7H2OtriclinicP1a = 10.3343 b = 12.8212 c = 14.7889 α = 113.196°, β = 90.811°, γ = 89.818°1800.9 [10]
Ferrotychite Na6(Fe,Mn,Mg)2(CO3)4(SO4) [1] IsometricFd3a = 13.9622,721.72.79Isotropic n = 1.550 [11]
Hanksite Na22K(SO4)9(CO3)2ClhexagonalP 63/ma = 10.4896 c = 21.24152024.12.562Uniaxial (-) nω = 1.481 nε = 1.461

Max birefringence: δ = 0.020

Hauckite Fe3+3(Mg,Mn2+)24Zn18(SO4)4(CO3)2(OH)81hexagonalP6/mmma = 9.17 c = 30.2122003.02Uniaxial (+) nω = 1.630 nε = 1.638

Max birefringence: δ = 0.008

Jouravskite Ca3Mn4+(SO4)(CO3)(OH)6 · 12H2OHexagonalP63a = 11.0713 c = 10.6265 Z=31128.02Uniaxial (-) nω = 1.556 nε = 1.540

Max birefringence: δ = 0.016

Korkinoite Ca4(SO4)2(CO3)2 · 9H2OOrthorhombicPmmmBiaxial (+) [15]
Latiumite (Ca,K)4(Si,Al)5O11(SO4,CO3)Monoclinica = 12.06 Å, b = 5.08 Å, c = 10.81 Å

β = 106°

636.6Biaxial (+/-) nα = 1.600 - 1.603 nβ = 1.606 - 1.609 nγ = 1.614 - 1.615

2V: measured: 83° to 90°, calculated: 84° to 88°

Max Birefringence: δ = 0.014

Leadhillite Pb4(SO4)(CO3)2(OH)2MonoclinicP21/ba = 9.11 b = 20.82 c = 11.59

β = 90.46°

21986.55Biaxial (-) nα = 1.870 nβ = 2.009 nγ = 2.010

2V: 10°

Max birefringence: δ = 0.140

[17] [18]
Macphersonite Pb4(SO4)(CO3)2(OH)2 [17] Orthorhombica = 10.38 b = 23.05 c = 9.2422211.8Biaxial (-) nα = 1.870 nβ = 2.000 nγ = 2.010

2V: measured: 35° calculated: 28°

Max birefringence: δ = 0.140

Manganotychite Na6(Mn,Fe,Mg)2(SO4)(CO3)4 [17] IsometricFd3a = 13.99512,741.122.7n = 1.544 pink [20]
Mineevite-Y Na25BaY2(SO4)11(HCO3)4(CO3)2F2Cl [17] HexagonalP63/ma = 8.811 c = 37.03 Z=22489.6Uniaxial (-) nω = 1.536 nε = 1.510

Max birefringence: δ = 0.026

pale green

Nakauriite Cu8(SO4)4(CO3)(OH)6•48H2Oorthorhombica = 14.58 b = 11.47 c = 16.222,712.52.39blue

Biaxial (-) nα = 1.585 nβ = 1.604 nγ = 1.612

2V: measured: 65° , calculated: 64°

Max birefringence: δ = 0.027

Nasledovite PbMn3Al4(CO3)4(SO4)O5 · 5H2O3.069Biaxial [23]
Paraotwayite Ni(OH)2-x(SO4,CO3)0.5xmonoclinica = 7.89 b = 2.96 c = 13.63 β = 91.1°3183.30Biaxial nα = 1.655 nγ = 1.705

Max birefringence: δ = 0.050


Philolithite Pb12Mn2+(Mg,Mn2+)2(Mn2+,Mg)4(CO3)4(SO4)O6(OH)12Cl4 [1] Tetragonala = 12.627 c = 12.5952008.2Biaxial (+) nα = 1.920 nβ = 1.940 nγ = 1.950

Max birefringence: δ = 0.030

apple green

Putnisite SrCa4Cr83+(CO3)8(SO4)(OH)16·25 H2OOrthorhombicPnmaa = 15.351 b = 20.421 c = 18.270 Z = 45727.3Biaxial(-); α = 1.552 nβ = 1.583 nγ = 1.599

Max birefringence: δ =0.047


Pyroaurite Mg6Fe2(SO4,CO3)(OH)16·4H2OTrigonalR3_ma = 3.1094 c = 23.4117196.032.1Uniaxial (-) nω = 1.564 nε = 1.543

Max birefringence: δ = 0.021

HexagonalP63/mmca = 3.113 c = 15.61131.01
Rapidcreekite Ca2(SO4)(CO3)•4H2Oorthorhombica = 15.49 b = 19.18 c = 6.151827.15Biaxial (+) nα = 1.516 nβ = 1.518 nγ = 1.531

2V: measured: 45° , calculated: 44°

Max birefringence: δ = 0.015

Schröckingerite NaCa3(UO2)(SO4)(CO3)3F•10(H2O) [17] triclinicP1a = 9.634 b = 9.635 c = 14.391

α = 91.41(1)°, β = 92.33(1)°, γ = 120.26(1)°

Biaxial (-) nα = 1.495 nβ = 1.543 nγ = 1.544

Max birefringence: δ = 0.049

Susannite Pb4(SO4)(CO3)2(OH)2 [1] trigonalP3a = 9.07 Å, c = 11.57 Å Z=3824.626.52clear [30]
Tatarskite Ca6Mg2(SO4)2(CO3)2(OH)4Cl4•7H2O [31] Orthorhombic2.341nα = 1.567(2) nβ = 1.654(2) nγ = 1.722 biaxial(-) 2V=83 [32]
Thaumasite Ca3(SO4)[Si(OH)6](CO3) · 12H2OhexagonalP63a = 11.030 c = 10.3961095.3Uniaxial (-) nω = 1.507 nε = 1.468

Max birefringence: δ = 0.039

Tychite Na6Mg2(SO4)(CO3)4IsometricFd3a = 13.9038 Z=82687.822.456isotropic [34]
Alloriite Na19K6Ca5[Al22Si26O96](SO4)5Cl(CO3)x(H2O)trigonalP31ca = 12.892 c = 21.340 [35]
Potassium-SchröckingeriteKCa3(UO2)(CO3)3(SO4)F•10H2Otriclinicyellow [36]


nameformulaformula weightcrystal systemspace groupunit cellvolumedensityrefractive indexcommentCASreference
Na4CO3SO4HexagonalP3m1a=5.2284 c=6.8808 Z=12.538uniaxial (-) n=~1.45 [37] [38]
Mg4(OH)2(CO3)2SO4·6H2O [39]
LDH-SO4-CO3Mg6Al2SO4CO3(OH)14·4H2OP3ma=3.070 c=22.3layered [40]
Co6Al2SO4CO3(OH)14·4H2O [40]
Cu6Al2SO4CO3(OH)14·4H2O [40]
Tetrammine carbonatocobalt(III) sulfate trihydrate[Co(NH3)4CO3]2SO4·3H2OMonoclinicP21/ca=7.455 b=10.609 c=23.627 β =98.346 Z=418491.88dark red [41]
μ-Carbonato-bis(pentaamminecobalt(III)) sulfate tetrahydrate[Co(NH3)5]2CO3SO4·4H2Odark red49731-04-6 [42]
μ-Carbonato-μ-dihydroxo-bis(triamminecobalt(III)) sulfate pentahydrate[(NH3)3Co(μ-OH)2(μ-CO3)Co(NH3)3]SO4 . 5H2O500.21Triclinica= 6.6914 b= 11.2847 c= 11.825, α = 92.766 β= 99.096 γ= 101.496861.11.929dark red75476-69-6 [43]

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The sulfate fluorides are double salts that contain both sulfate and fluoride anions. They are in the class of mixed anion compounds. Some of these minerals are deposited in fumaroles.


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