Trolling tandem streamer fly

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A trolling tandem streamer fly is a style of fishing fly designed to be fished behind a moving boat.

Trolling is a form of fishing where the fisherman sits or stands in a moving boat and allows his lure or bait to swim in the water. The Trolling Tandem streamer fly is made of two or more hooks tied in tandem or one hook in front of another. Often the hook that is tied to the fishing line is a larger hook. [1]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Trolling (fishing)</span> The practice of fishing by drawing a baited line or lure behind a boat

Trolling is a method of fishing where one or more fishing lines, baited with lures or bait fish, are drawn through the water. This may be behind a moving boat, or by slowly winding the line in when fishing from a static position, or even sweeping the line from side-to-side, e.g. when fishing from a jetty. Trolling is used to catch pelagic fish such as salmon, mackerel and kingfish.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Angling</span> Fishing technique

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This page is a list of fishing topics.

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to fishing:

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Carrie Gertrude Stevens (1882–1970) was an American fly fisher and fly lure tier from Madison and Upper Dam, Maine, and the creator of Rangeley Favorite trout and salmon flies. Self-taught in the art of fly tying, Stevens invented the Grey Ghost Streamer, an imitation of the Smelt, Osmerus mordax. Stevens' flies received national and international acclaim, and she was honored after her death with the naming of August 15, 1970 as "Carrie Gertrude Stevens Day" by the Governor of Maine.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tube fly</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lefty's Deceiver</span>

The Lefty's Deceiver is an artificial fly streamer pattern used in fly fishing for freshwater and saltwater species. The fly was originated by fly angler and author Lefty Kreh in the Chesapeake Bay for striped bass. The original fly was tied to resemble smelt, a common striped bass forage. The Deceiver is arguably the best known saltwater fly pattern in the world and in 1991 the U.S. Postal Service honored Kreh’s creation with a postage stamp.


  1. "How to fly fish without getting your feet wet". Bangor Daily News. 11 May 2017. Retrieved February 26, 2021.