Alex J. Bellamy

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Alexander J. Bellamy (born 1975) [1] is an academic who directs the Asia-Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect and is a professor in the department of peace and conflict studies at University of Queensland. [2]


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Genocide Intentional destruction of all or a significant part of a racial, ethnic, religious or national group

Genocide is the intentional action to destroy a people—usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group—in whole or in part. A term coined by Raphael Lemkin in his 1944 book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, the hybrid word geno-cide is a combination of the Greek word γένος and the Latin suffix -caedo.

State terrorism refers to acts of terrorism which a state conducts against another state or against its own citizens.

Genocide denial is the attempt to deny or minimize the scale and severity of an incidence of genocide. Denial is an integral part of genocide and includes secret planning of genocide, propaganda while the genocide is ongoing, and destruction of evidence of mass killings. According to genocide researcher Gregory Stanton, denial "is among the surest indicators of further genocidal massacres".

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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1674

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1674, adopted unanimously on April 28, 2006, after reaffirming resolutions 1265 (1999) and 1296 (2000) concerning the protection of civilians in armed conflict and Resolution 1631 (2005) on co-operation between the United Nations and regional organisations, the Council stressed a comprehensive approach to the prevention of armed conflict and its recurrence.

Edward C. Luck was an American professor, author, and expert in international relations. He served as the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on the Responsibility to Protect between 2008 and 2012, appointed at the Assistant Secretary-General level. He was replaced by Jennifer Welsh of Canada. Previously he was Vice President of the International Peace Institute as well as the director of the Center on International Organization of the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. He also served as Dean of the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies at the University of San Diego between 2012 and 2013. From 2015 to 2021 Luck was the Arnold A. Saltzman Professor of Professional Practice in International and Public Affairs at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. He also served on the International Advisory Board of the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect.

Several scholars have accused the United States of involvement in state terrorism. They have written about the US and other liberal democracies' use of state terrorism, particularly in relation to the Cold War. According to them, state terrorism is used to protect the interest of capitalist elites, and the U.S. organized a neo-colonial system of client states, co-operating with regional elites to rule through terror. This work has proved controversial with mainstream scholars of terrorism, who concentrate on non-state terrorism and the state terrorism of dictatorships.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1265

United Nations Security Council resolution 1265, adopted unanimously on 17 September 1999, in the first resolution to address the topic, the Council discussed the protection of civilians during armed conflict.

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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1625

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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1645

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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1719

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