Cutaneous receptor

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A cutaneous receptor is the type of sensory receptor found in the skin ( the dermis or epidermis). They are a part of the somatosensory system. Cutaneous receptors include mechanoreceptors (pressure or distortion), nociceptors (pain), and thermoreceptors (temperature). [1]



The sensory receptors in the skin are:


With the above-mentioned receptor types the skin can sense the modalities touch, pressure, vibration, temperature and pain. The modalities and their receptors are partly overlapping, and are innervated by different kinds of fiber types.

Cutaneous receptors
Modality Type Fiber type
Touch Rapidly adapting cutaneous mechanoreceptors (Meissner corpuscle end-organs
Pacinian corpuscle end-organs
hair follicle receptors
some free nerve endings)
Aβ fibers
Touch & pressure Slowly adapting cutaneous mechanoreceptors (Merkel and Ruffini corpuscle end-organs
some free nerve endings)
Aβ fibers (Merkel and Ruffini's), Aδ fibers (free nerve endings)
Vibration Meissners and Pacinian corpuscle end-organs Aβ fibers
Temperature Thermoreceptors Aδ fibers (cold receptors)
C fibers (warmth receptors)
Pain & Itch Free nerve ending nociceptors Aδ fibers (Nociceptors of neospinothalamic tract)
C fibers (Nociceptors of paleospinothalamic tract)


Cutaneous receptors are at the ends of afferent neurons. works within the capsule. Ion channels are situated near these networks.

In sensory transduction, the afferent nerves transmit through a series of synapses in the central nervous system, first in the spinal cord, the ventrobasal portion of the thalamus, and then on to the somatosensory cortex. [2]

See also

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Mechanosensation is the transduction of mechanical stimuli into neural signals. Mechanosensation provides the basis for the senses of light touch, hearing, proprioception, and pain. Mechanoreceptors found in the skin, called cutaneous mechanoreceptors, are responsible for the sense of touch. Tiny cells in the inner ear, called hair cells, are responsible for hearing and balance. States of neuropathic pain, such as hyperalgesia and allodynia, are also directly related to mechanosensation. A wide array of elements are involved in the process of mechanosensation, many of which are still not fully understood.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Somatosensory system</span> Nerve system for sensing touch, temperature, body position, and pain

Touch is perceiving the environment using skin. Specialized receptors in the skin send signals to the brain indicating light and soft pressure, hot and cold, body position and pain. It is a subset of the sensory nervous system, which also includes the visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and vestibular senses.

A sense is a biological system used by an organism for sensation, the process of gathering information about the surroundings through the detection of stimuli. Although, in some cultures, five human senses were traditionally identified as such, many more are now recognized. Senses used by non-human organisms are even greater in variety and number. During sensation, sense organs collect various stimuli for transduction, meaning transformation into a form that can be understood by the brain. Sensation and perception are fundamental to nearly every aspect of an organism's cognition, behavior and thought.

Many types of sense loss occur due to a dysfunctional sensation process, whether it be ineffective receptors, nerve damage, or cerebral impairment. Unlike agnosia, these impairments are due to damages prior to the perception process.

Group A nerve fibers are one of the three classes of nerve fiber as generally classified by Erlanger and Gasser. The other two classes are the group B nerve fibers, and the group C nerve fibers. Group A are heavily myelinated, group B are moderately myelinated, and group C are unmyelinated.


  1. Lincoln R. J., Boxshall G. A. (1990): Natural history - The Cambridge illustrated dictionary. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ISBN   0 521 30551-9.
  2. Mada S. S. (2000): Human Biology. McGraw–Hill, New York, ISBN   0-07-290584-0.