
Last updated
Developer(s) Tammo Freese Henri Tremblay
Stable release
5.0.1 / October 24, 2022;2 months ago (2022-10-24) [1]
Written in Java
Operating system Cross-platform
Type Unit testing tool
License Apache License
Website easymock.org

EasyMock is an open-source testing framework for Java released under the Apache License. [2] The framework allows the creation of test double objects for the purpose of Test-driven Development (TDD) or Behavior Driven Development (BDD). [3]


Research performed in 2013 on 10,000 GitHub projects found that EasyMock is the 32nd most popular Java library. [4]


The EasyMock provides dynamically generated Mock objects (at runtime), without having to implement them. In EasyMock, the definition of Mock Object is differed from using an implemented Mock Object. Mock objects are built at run time and additional implementations cannot be defined for those objects. [5]


EasyMock was created by Tammo Freese in 2001 (at OFFIS). Originally it allowed only mock interfaces, with type safe mocking and additional features were added in later developments. Most notably, class mocking was added by Henri Tremblay, the current lead developer, in 2003. [6] [7]


EasyMock can be used in application with often-changing interfaces. [5]


Simple currency exchange program is provided here. An interface may look like as follows:



Implementation for a concrete class may look like as follows:

importjava.io.IOException;publicclassCurrency{privateStringunits;privatelongamount;privateintcents;publicCurrency(doubleamount,Stringcode){this.units=code;setAmount(amount);}privatevoidsetAmount(doubleamount){this.amount=newDouble(amount).longValue();this.cents=(int)((amount*100.0)%100);}publicCurrencytoEuros(ExchangeRateconverter){if("EUR".equals(units))returnthis;else{doubleinput=amount+cents/100.0;doublerate;try{rate=converter.getRate(units,"EUR");doubleoutput=input*rate;returnnewCurrency(output,"EUR");}catch(IOExceptionex){returnnull;}}}publicbooleanequals(Objecto){if(oinstanceofCurrency){Currencyother=(Currency)o;returnthis.units.equals(other.units)&&this.amount==other.amount&&this.cents==other.cents;}returnfalse;}publicStringtoString(){returnamount+"."+Math.abs(cents)+" "+units;}}


Sample implementation for a test class may look like as follows:



See also

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  1. EasyMock Releases
  2. "EasyMock License". EasyMock. EasyMock. Retrieved 11 January 2015.
  3. 1 2 3 4 Harold, E.R. (28 April 2008). "Easier testing with EasyMock". IBM. International Business Machines Corporation. Retrieved 11 January 2015.
  4. Weiss, Tal (26 November 2013). "GitHub's 10,000 most Popular Java Projects – Here are The Top Libraries They Use" . Retrieved 11 January 2015.
  5. 1 2 Freese, T., EasyMock: Dynamic Mock Objects for JUnit, Oldenburg, Germany: Institute for Computer Science
  6. "Contributors". EasyMock. EasyMock. Retrieved 11 January 2015.
  7. Lüppken, S.; Stũble, M.; Stauble, M. (2009). Spring Web Flow 2 Web Development. Olton, UK: Packt Publishing. p. 191.