List of Anglican Church calendars

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The Church of England uses a liturgical year that is in most respects identical to that of the Roman Catholic Church. While this is less true of the calendars contained within the Book of Common Prayer and the Alternative Service Book (1980), it is particularly true since the Anglican Church adopted its new pattern of services and liturgies contained within Common Worship , in 2000. Certainly, the broad division of the year into the Christmas and Easter seasons, interspersed with periods of Ordinary Time, is identical, and most Festivals and Commemorations are also celebrated, with some exceptions.


In some Anglican traditions (including the Church of England), the Christmas season is followed by an Epiphany season, which begins on the Eve of the Epiphany (on 6 January or the nearest Sunday) and ends on the Feast of the Presentation (on 2 February or the nearest Sunday). Ordinary Time then begins after this period.

The Book of Common Prayer contains within it the traditional Western Eucharistic lectionary which traces its roots to the Comes of St Jerome in the 5th century. Its similarity to the ancient lectionary is particularly obvious during Trinity season (Sundays after the Sunday after Pentecost), reflecting that understanding of sanctification. [1]

Calendars of saints' days in churches throughout the Anglican Communion

The list is organised alphabetically by the name of the province, with the exception of single countries separated into several provinces, i.e. North India and South India.


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  1. Sparrow, Anthony and John Henry Newman. A Rationale upon the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England, Oxford, UK