Magill forceps

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Magill forceps
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Magill forceps
Synonyms intubation forceps
Specialty anaesthesiology
Intervention intubation
Inventor(s)Ivan Magill
Related items Laryngoscope

Magill forceps are angled forceps used to guide a tracheal tube into the larynx or a nasogastric tube into the esophagus under direct vision. [1] They are also used to remove foreign bodies. [1] These forceps are named after the Irish-born anaesthetist Ivan Magill. [1]

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Tracheal intubation, an invasive medical procedure, is the placement of a flexible plastic catheter into the trachea. For millennia, tracheotomy was considered the most reliable method of tracheal intubation. By the late 19th century, advances in the sciences of anatomy and physiology, as well as the beginnings of an appreciation of the germ theory of disease, had reduced the morbidity and mortality of this operation to a more acceptable rate. Also in the late 19th century, advances in endoscopic instrumentation had improved to such a degree that direct laryngoscopy had finally become a viable means to secure the airway by the non-surgical orotracheal route. Nasotracheal intubation was not widely practiced until the early 20th century. The 20th century saw the transformation of the practices of tracheotomy, endoscopy and non-surgical tracheal intubation from rarely employed procedures to essential components of the practices of anesthesia, critical care medicine, emergency medicine, gastroenterology, pulmonology and surgery.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Surgery in ancient Rome</span>

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  1. 1 2 3 Magill forceps in Farlex medical dictionary, citing Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition.