
Last updated
Developer(s) Arihiro Yoshida
Written in C
Operating system Cross-platform
Type Parser generator
License MIT License

PackCC is a parser generator for C. Its main features are as follows:


The grammar of an output parser can be described in a PEG (Parsing Expression Grammar). The PEG is a top-down parsing language, and is similar to the regular expression grammar. Compared with a bottom-up parsing language, like Yacc's one, the PEG is much more intuitive and cannot be ambiguous. The PEG does not require tokenization to be a separate step, and tokenization rules can be written in the same way as any other grammar rules.

The generated parser can parse inputs very efficiently by packrat parsing. The packrat parsing is the recursive descent parsing algorithm that is accelerated using memoization. By using packrat parsing, any input can be parsed in linear time. Without it, however, the resulting parser could exhibit exponential time performance in the worst case due to the unlimited look-ahead capability.

Unlike common packrat parsers, PackCC can support direct and indirect left-recursive grammar rules. [1] This makes grammar rules much more intuitive.

The generated code is beautified and as ease-of-understanding as possible. Actually, it uses many goto statements, but the control flows are much more traceable than goto spaghetti storms generated by some other parser generators.

PackCC itself is under MIT license, but the generated code can be distributed under any license or can be used in proprietary software.

Input file example

A desktop calculator. Note that left-recursive grammar rules are included.



  1. "Packrat Parsers Can Support Left Recursion" authored by A. Warth, J. R. Douglass, and T. Millstein

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In computer science, a parsing expression grammar (PEG) is a type of analytic formal grammar, i.e. it describes a formal language in terms of a set of rules for recognizing strings in the language. The formalism was introduced by Bryan Ford in 2004 and is closely related to the family of top-down parsing languages introduced in the early 1970s. Syntactically, PEGs also look similar to context-free grammars (CFGs), but they have a different interpretation: the choice operator selects the first match in PEG, while it is ambiguous in CFG. This is closer to how string recognition tends to be done in practice, e.g. by a recursive descent parser.

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