Play-action pass

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A play action pass Rudy Carpenter fakes handoff at ASU at Cal 10-4-08.JPG
A play action pass

A play-action pass (also known as a play fake or simply "play-action") is an American football play. The play action starts with what appears to be a running play, but turns out to be a pass play; in this way, it can be considered the opposite of a draw play. Play-action passes are often used against defenses that are focused on stopping the run. By initially simulating a running play, the offense attempts to deceive the defense into acting on the fake run placing them out of position in their pass coverage, and giving receivers more time and room to be free to receive passes behind the linebackers. [1]


Offensive action during a play-action pass


Despite being one of the most effective kinds of plays, [2] the play-action pass is not proportionately used. [3] The belief is that a heavy running game must be maintained, but in fact even teams who heavily lean on passes have high success with the play-action. [4]

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In American football, a smashmouth offense is an offensive system that relies on a strong running game, where most of the plays run by the offense are handoffs to the fullback or tailback. It is a more traditional style of offense that often results in a higher time of possession by running the ball heavily. So-called "smash-mouth football" is often run out of the I-formation or wishbone formation, with tight ends and receivers used as blockers. Though the offense is run-oriented, pass opportunities can develop as defenses play close to the line. Play-action can be very effective for a run-oriented team.

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  1. "About Football Glossary - Play-Action Pass".
  2. The play-action pass is the best play in football
  3. Play-action is a cheat code for NFL offenses. So why aren't they using it more?
  4. Rushing Success and Play-Action Passing