Product Licence Number

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Photo of the packaging of four medicines showing their Product Licence Number PLcodes.jpg
Photo of the packaging of four medicines showing their Product Licence Number

A Product Licence Number (or PL code for short) is a unique identifier on the packaging of medicines to uniquely identify the product, this code will normally remain the same despite the varying marketing and branding of the company's selling it. [1]

The code itself is issued by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency [2] in the UK and the European Medicines Agency. [3]

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  1. "Martin Lewis: A drugs bust - stop letting big pharmaceuticals rip you off!". Retrieved 2018-07-28.
  2. "Marketing authorisations: lists of granted licences". GOV.UK. Retrieved 2018-07-28.
  3. "Product Licences - UK MHRA, MCA and EMA | MPA Business Services". Retrieved 2018-07-28.