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Flag of the Romani people, a national symbol of the Romani Flag of the Romani people.svg
Flag of the Romani people, a national symbol of the Romani

Romanistan, Romastan or Romanestan is the name of a proposed country for the Romani people. [1]

In the early 1950s, Roma leaders petitioned the United Nations for the creation of their own state, but their petition was rejected. [1] Creation of such a state was also reportedly suggested by the leaders of Romani party in Hungary and party in North Macedonia known as the Party for the Complete Emancipation of Roma in the early 1990s at Šuto Orizari. [2]

Given the origin of the Romani people in medieval India, Romanistan has been envisaged as being within the borders of India. [3]

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  1. 1 2 James Minahan (1996). Nations Without States: A Historical Dictionary of Contemporary National Movements. Greenwood Press. p. 464. ISBN   978-0-313-28354-3.
  2. Charles Vance; Yongsun Paik (2006). Managing a Global Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities in International Human Resource Management. M.E. Sharpe. p. 760. ISBN   978-0-7656-2016-3.
  3. Mieder, Wolfgang; Scrase, David (2001). Reflections on the Holocaust: Festschrift for Raul Hilberg on His Seventy-fifth Birthday. Center for Holocaust Studies at the University of Vermont. p. 232. ISBN   978-0-9707237-4-1.