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Specialty Rheumatology

Serositis refers to inflammation of the serous tissues of the body, the tissues lining the lungs (pleura), heart (pericardium), and the inner lining of the abdomen (peritoneum) and organs within. It is commonly found with fat wrapping or creeping fat. [1]



Serositis is seen in numerous conditions: [2]

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  1. Bruce G. Wolff; James W. Fleshman; David E. Beck, eds. (2007). "Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Diagnosis and Evaluation". The ASCRS textbook of colon and rectal surgery. Springer. p. 551. ISBN   978-0-387-24846-2 . Retrieved 2010-06-15.
  2. Causes of Serositis. URL: Archived 2012-06-29 at . Accessed on: June 23, 2008.