Timothy Luke

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Timothy W. Luke (born June 28, 1951) is university distinguished professor of political science in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences as well as program chair of the Government and International Affairs Program, School of Public and International Affairs at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. [1]



He received a B.A. with high distinction in government and English from the University of Arizona in 1972; a M.A. in political science from the University of Arizona in 1975; a M.A. in political science from Washington University in St. Louis in 1977; and in 1981, a Ph.D. in political science from Washington University.


His areas of research and teaching specialization include environmental politics and cultural studies as well as comparative politics, international political economy, and modern critical social and political theory. Many articles and book chapters by him on these topics have been published in scholarly journals and books in the United States and abroad. He has been very actively involved with critical theory communities tied to the Frankfurt School, the critique of mainstream social sciences, critical geopolitics, and environmental political theory groups associated with journals like Capitalism Nature Socialism , New Political Science , International Political Sociology , and TELOS for many years.

During 1996, he served as visiting research and teaching scholar at The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, and in 1995 he was the Fulbright Professor of Cultural Theory and the Politics of Information Society at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. In 1994–1995, he was a key organizer of the Virginia Tech Cyberschool, a founder of the Center for Digital Discourse and Culture in 1997, and the first executive director of the Institute of Distance and Distributed Learning at Virginia Tech from 1998 to 2001. As part of these activities, he created the first entirely online MA degree program in political science available in the US in the Department of Political Science at Virginia Tech. He has taught in the past at the University of Arizona, the University of Missouri, the University of Missouri–St. Louis, and Washington University.


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  1. "Curriculum Vitae" (PDF). Timothy W. Luke. Retrieved 22 December 2010.