Trilateral retinoblastoma

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Trilateral retinoblastoma
Other namesTRb
Specialty Oncology

Trilateral retinoblastoma is a malignant midline primitive neuroectodermal tumor occurring in patients with inherited uni- or bilateral retinoblastoma. In most cases trilateral retinoblastoma presents itself as pineoblastoma (pineal TRb). In about a fourth of the cases the tumor develops in another intracranial region, most commonly supra- or parasellar (non-pineal TRb), but there are reported cases with non-pineal TRb in the 3rd ventricle. In most cases pineal TRb is diagnosed before the age of 5, but after the diagnosis of retinoblastoma. Non-pineal TRb, however, is often diagnosed simultaneous with retinoblastoma. Prognosis of patients with trilateral retinoblastoma is dismal, only a few patients have survived more than 5 years after diagnosis; all survivors were diagnosed with small tumors in a subclinical stage. [1] Recent advances in (high-dose) chemotherapy treatment regimens and early detection have improved survival of patients with trilateral retinoblastoma. [2]

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Neuro-oncology is the study of brain and spinal cord neoplasms, many of which are very dangerous and life-threatening. Among the malignant brain cancers, gliomas of the brainstem and pons, glioblastoma multiforme, and high-grade astrocytoma/oligodendroglioma are among the worst. In these cases, untreated survival usually amounts to only a few months, and survival with current radiation and chemotherapy treatments may extend that time from around a year to a year and a half, possibly two or more, depending on the patient's condition, immune function, treatments used, and the specific type of malignant brain neoplasm. Surgery may in some cases be curative, but, as a general rule, malignant brain cancers tend to regenerate and emerge from remission easily, especially highly malignant cases. In such cases, the goal is to excise as much of the mass and as much of the tumor margin as possible without endangering vital functions or other important cognitive abilities. The Journal of Neuro-Oncology is the longest continuously published journal in the field and serves as a leading reference to those practicing in the area of neuro-oncology.

Pediatric ependymomas are similar in nature to the adult form of ependymoma in that they are thought to arise from radial glial cells lining the ventricular system. However, they differ from adult ependymomas in which genes and chromosomes are most often affected, the region of the brain they are most frequently found in, and the prognosis of the patients. Children with certain hereditary diseases, such as neurofibromatosis type II (NF2), have been found to be more frequently afflicted with this class of tumors, but a firm genetic link remains to be established. Symptoms associated with the development of pediatric ependymomas are varied, much like symptoms for a number of other pediatric brain tumors including vomiting, headache, irritability, lethargy, and changes in gait. Although younger children and children with invasive tumor types generally experience less favorable outcomes, total removal of the tumors is the most conspicuous prognostic factor for both survival and relapse.


  1. Kivelä T (June 1999). "Trilateral retinoblastoma: a meta-analysis of hereditary retinoblastoma associated with primary ectopic intracranial retinoblastoma". Journal of Clinical Oncology. 17 (6): 1829–37. doi:10.1200/JCO.1999.17.6.1829. PMID   10561222.
  2. De Jong MC, Kors WA, De Graaf P, Castelijns JA, Kivelä T, Moll AC (September 2014). "Trilateral retinoblastoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis". The Lancet Oncology. 15 (10): 1157–67. doi:10.1016/s1470-2045(14)70336-5. PMID   25126964.