Truman Show delusion

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A Truman Show delusion, also known as Truman syndrome or Truman disorder, is a type of delusion in which the person believes that their life is a staged reality show, or that they are being watched on cameras. The term was coined in 2008 on film boards by brothers Joel Gold and Ian Gold, a psychiatrist and a neurophilosopher, respectively, after the 1998 film The Truman Show .


The Truman Show delusion is not officially recognized nor listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association . [1]


Rapid expansion of technology raises questions about which delusions are possible and which ones are bizarre.

Dolores Malaspina, DSM-5 editor [2]

The term was named after the film The Truman Show , a 1998 comedy-drama film directed by Peter Weir and written by Andrew Niccol. Actor Jim Carrey plays Truman Burbank, a man who discovers he is living in a constructed reality televised globally around the clock. Since he was in the womb, his entire life has been televised and all the people in his life have been paid actors. As he discovers the truth about his existence, Burbank fights to find an escape from those who have controlled him his entire life. [3]

The concept predates this particular film, which was inspired by a 1989 episode of The Twilight Zone in its 1980s incarnation, titled "Special Service", which begins with the protagonist discovering a camera in his bathroom mirror. This man soon learns that his life is being constantly broadcast to TV watchers worldwide. [4] In 1941, science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein had written They , a story about a man surrounded by persons whose job is to convince him that he is insane rather than one of the few genuine people in his world. In 1959, Philip K. Dick wrote a novel, Time Out of Joint , in which the protagonist lives in a created world in which his "family" and "friends" are all paid to maintain the illusion. Later science fiction novels repeat the theme. While these books do not share the reality-show aspects of The Truman Show, they do have in common the concept of a world that has been constructed by others.


Delusions fixed, fallacious beliefs are symptoms that, in the absence of organic disease, indicate psychiatric disease. The content of delusions varies considerably (limited by the imagination of the delusional person), but certain themes have been identified: for example, persecution. These themes have diagnostic importance in that they point to certain diagnoses. Persecutory delusions are, for instance, classically linked to psychosis.

Cultural impact

The content of delusions is invariably tied to a person's life experience, and contemporary culture seems to play an important role. [5] A retrospective study conducted in 2008 [6] showed how delusional content has evolved from religious/magical, to political and eventually to technically themed. The authors concluded that:

sociopolitical changes and scientific and technical developments have a marked influence on the delusional content in schizophrenia.

Psychiatrist Joseph Weiner commented that:

in the 1940s, psychotic patients would express delusions about their brains being controlled by radio waves; now delusional patients commonly complain about implanted computer chips. [7]

The Truman Show delusion could represent a further evolution in the content of persecutory delusions in reaction to changing pop culture.

Because reality shows are so visible, it is an area that a patient can easily incorporate into a delusional system. Such a person would believe they are constantly being videotaped, watched, and commented upon by a large TV audience. [7]

For the 2022 Cannes Film Festival, its official poster pays homage to the film and its final scene with their website stating that "Peter Weir and Andrew Niccol's The Truman Show (1998) is a modern reflection of Plato's cave and the decisive scene urges viewers to not only experience the border between reality and its representation but to ponder the power of fiction, between manipulation and catharsis." [8]

Reported cases

While the prevalence of the disorder is not known, there have been several hundred cases reported. There have been recorded instances of people suffering from The Truman Show delusion from around the world. Joel Gold, a psychiatrist at Bellevue Hospital Center in New York City, and clinical associate professor of psychiatry at New York University, and his brother Ian, who holds a research chair in philosophy and psychiatry at Montreal's McGill University, [3] are the foremost researchers on the subject. They have communicated, since 2002, with over a hundred individuals suffering from the delusion. They have reported that one patient traveled to New York City after 9/11 to make sure that the terrorist attacks were not a plot twist in his personal Truman Show, while another traveled to a Lower Manhattan federal building to seek asylum from his show. [3] Another patient had worked as an intern on a reality TV program and believed that he was secretly being tracked by cameras, even at the polls on election day in 2004. He shouted that President George W. Bush was a "Judas", which brought him to Bellevue Hospital and Gold's attention. [9]

One of Gold's patients, an upper-middle-class army veteran who wanted to climb the Statue of Liberty in the belief that doing so would release him from the "show", [9] [10] described his condition this way:

I realized that I was and am the center, the focus of attention by millions and millions of people ... My family and everyone I knew was and are actors in a script, a charade whose entire purpose is to make me the focus of the world's attention. [9]

The choice of the name "Truman Show delusion" by the Golds was influenced by the fact that three of the five patients Joel Gold initially treated for the syndrome explicitly linked their perceived experiences to the film. [9]

In 2008, Paolo Fusar-Poli from the British Journal of Psychiatry conducted a study that displayed individuals having signs of delusion. Mark D. Griffiths, a charted psychologist, analyzed this study and concluded that most of the individuals that had this delusion often had underlying illnesses or other medical problems that could have caused this delusion. [11] [12]

Truman syndrome

In the United Kingdom, psychiatrists Paolo Fusar-Poli, Oliver Howes, Lucia Valmaggia, and Philip McGuire of the Institute of Psychiatry in London described in the British Journal of Psychiatry what they referred to as the "Truman syndrome":

[A] preoccupying belief that the world had changed in some way that other people were aware of, which he interpreted as indicating he was the subject of a film and living in a film set (a 'fabricated world'). This cluster of symptoms ... is a very common presenting complaint in individuals ... who may be in the prodromal phase of schizophrenia. [13]

The authors suggest that the "Truman explanation" is a result of the patients' search for meaning in their perception that the ordinary world has changed in some significant but inexplicable way.

Medical relevance

The Truman Show delusion is not officially recognized and is not a part of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association . [1] The Golds do not say that it is a new diagnosis but refer to it as "a variance on known persecutory and grandiose delusions". [7]

Filmmaker's reaction

After hearing about the condition, Andrew Niccol, writer of The Truman Show, said, "You know you've made it when you have a disease named after you." [14]

See also

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<i>The Truman Show</i> 1998 American comedy-drama film by Andrew Niccol

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Persecutory delusion</span> Delusion involving perception of persecution

A persecutory delusion is a type of delusional condition in which the affected person believes that harm is going to occur to oneself by a persecutor, despite a clear lack of evidence. The person may believe that they are being targeted by an individual or a group of people. Persecution delusions are very diverse in terms of content and vary from the possible, although improbable, to the completely bizarre. The delusion can be found in various disorders, being more usual in psychotic disorders.

The diagnosis of schizophrenia, a psychotic disorder, is based on criteria in either the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Clinical assessment of schizophrenia is carried out by a mental health professional based on observed behavior, reported experiences, and reports of others familiar with the person. Diagnosis is usually made by a psychiatrist. Associated symptoms occur along a continuum in the population and must reach a certain severity and level of impairment before a diagnosis is made. Schizophrenia has a prevalence rate of 0.3-0.7% in the United States.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Religious delusion</span> Delusion involving religious themes or subject matter

A religious delusion is defined as a delusion, or fixed belief not amenable to change in light of conflicting evidence, involving religious themes or subject matter. Religious faith, meanwhile, is defined as a belief in a religious doctrine or higher power in the absence of evidence. Psychologists, scientists, and philosophers have debated the distinction between the two, which is subjective and cultural.

The relationship between religion and schizophrenia is of particular interest to psychiatrists because of the similarities between religious experiences and psychotic episodes. Religious experiences often involve reports of auditory and/or visual phenomena, which sounds seemingly similar to those with schizophrenia who also commonly report hallucinations and delusions. These symptoms may resemble the events found within a religious experience. However, the people who report these religious visual and audio hallucinations also claim to have not perceived them with their five senses, rather, they conclude these hallucinations were an entirely internal process. This differs from schizophrenia, where the person is unaware that their own thoughts or inner feelings are not happening outside of them. They report hearing, seeing, smelling, feeling, or tasting something that deludes them to believe it is real. They are unable to distinguish between reality and hallucinations because they experience these hallucinations with their bodily senses that leads them to perceive these events as happening outside of their mind. In general, religion has been found to have "both a protective and a risk increasing effect" for schizophrenia.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Basic symptoms of schizophrenia</span> Subjective symptoms of schizophrenia

Basic symptoms of schizophrenia are subjective symptoms, described as experienced from a person's perspective, which show evidence of underlying psychopathology. Basic symptoms have generally been applied to the assessment of people who may be at risk to develop psychosis. Though basic symptoms are often disturbing for the person, problems generally do not become evident to others until the person is no longer able to cope with their basic symptoms. Basic symptoms are more specific to identifying people who exhibit signs of prodromal psychosis (prodrome) and are more likely to develop schizophrenia over other disorders related to psychosis. Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder, but is not synonymous with psychosis. In the prodrome to psychosis, uncharacteristic basic symptoms develop first, followed by more characteristic basic symptoms and brief and self-limited psychotic-like symptoms, and finally the onset of psychosis. People who were assessed to be high risk according to the basic symptoms criteria have a 48.5% likelihood of progressing to psychosis. In 2015, the European Psychiatric Association issued guidance recommending the use of a subscale of basic symptoms, called the Cognitive Disturbances scale (COGDIS), in the assessment of psychosis risk in help-seeking psychiatric patients; in a meta-analysis, COGDIS was shown to be as predictive of transition to psychosis as the Ultra High Risk (UHR) criteria up to 2 years after assessment, and significantly more predictive thereafter. The basic symptoms measured by COGDIS, as well as those measured by another subscale, the Cognitive-Perceptive basic symptoms scale (COPER), are predictive of transition to schizophrenia.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Paolo Fusar-Poli</span> Italian medical doctor, psychiatrist

Paolo Fusar-Poli is an Italian and British medical doctor, psychiatrist, and Professor at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College, London and at the Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, University of Pavia.



  1. 1 2 Grohol, John M. "DSM-VI: Reality TV Disorder" Archived 2014-07-14 at the Wayback Machine on PsychCentral
  2. Marantz, Andrew (September 16, 2013). "Unreality Star: The paranoid used to fear the C.I.A. Now their delusions mirror "The Truman Show"". The New Yorker. pp. 32–37.
  3. 1 2 3 Kershaw, Sarah "Look Closely, Doctor: See the Camera?" Archived 2008-12-09 at the Wayback Machine The New York Times (August 27, 2008)
  4. "Movies That Stole Their Plots from 'The Twilight Zone'" Flavorwire. N.p., 13 Aug. 2012. Web. 10 Aug. 2014.
  5. Rokeach, Milton (2011). The Three Christs of Ypsilanti. NY, NY: New York Review Books. pp. 125, 127. ISBN   978-1-59017-384-8. [September 15] [T]he [three] men [who have schizophrenia] had read about the Yeti in a magazine article on the Abominable Snowman; the introduction of this material marked a brand-new tack, about which we were to hear much more in the months to come ... [October 30] I ask Leon if he is married. He replies that he is betrothed ... to the Virgin Mary. He adds [a new belief] that his uncle said he could get a wife from the Yeti if he wanted to.
  6. Skodlar B, Dernovsek MZ, Kocmur M (2008). "Psychopathology of schizophrenia in Ljubljana (Slovenia) from 1881 to 2000: changes in the content of delusions in schizophrenia patients related to various sociopolitical, technical and scientific changes". The International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 54 (2): 101–11. doi:10.1177/0020764007083875. PMID   18488404. S2CID   41662275.
  7. 1 2 3 Wright, Suzanne "The Truman Delusion" Archived 2013-09-30 at the Wayback Machine on WebMD
  8. "The Official Poster of the 75th Festival de Cannes - Festival de Cannes". Cannes Film Festival . 19 April 2022. Retrieved 21 April 2022.
  9. 1 2 3 4 "Reality Bites" Archived 2015-09-24 at the Wayback Machine National Post (July 21, 2008)
  10. Ellison, Jesse "When Life is Like a TV Show" Archived 2009-09-17 at the Wayback Machine Newsweek (August 2, 2008)
  11. Griffiths, Mark D. (August 10, 2016). "The Truman Show Delusion". Psychology Today . Retrieved November 23, 2021.
  12. Fusar-Poli, Paolo (January 2013). "The psychosis high-risk state: a comprehensive state-of-the-art review". JAMA Psychiatry . 70 (1): 107–120. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2013.269. PMC   4356506 . PMID   23165428 . Retrieved December 3, 2021.
  13. Fusar-Poli, Paolo; Howes, O.; Valmaggia, L.; McGuire, P. (2008). "'Truman' signs and vulnerability to psychosis". British Journal of Psychiatry . 193 (2): 168. doi: 10.1192/bjp.193.2.168 . PMID   18670010.
  14. "NZ filmmaker adds to medical lexicon". 3 News NZ. March 20, 2013. Archived from the original on 2013-07-29. Retrieved 2017-10-25.

Further reading