Virginity auction

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A virginity auction is an auction, often publicized online, where a person seeks to sell their virginity. The winning bidder will win the right to be the first to have intercourse with the person.


Often the authenticity of such auctions is subject to question, and it is not later verified whether the auction was successfully completed. A number of high-profile auctions such as the 2008 auction of "Natalie Dylan" and 2012 auction of Catarina Migliorini were never completed. [1] In some cases, the seller reports they are seeking money to pay for expenses such as medical bills or school tuition; in others, the seller has pledged that some portion of the earnings will be given to charity, or emphasizes the social questions involved in selling one's virginity. [2]

The earliest reported attempts to auction virginity online date to at least early 2004. [3] As far back as 1998, however, the earliest known Internet attempt to capitalize on virginity was the 1998 hoax Our First Time where two alleged 18-year-olds planned to have sex for the first time online. [4] In another notable hoax, in August 1999, an alleged 17-year-old male American high school senior named Francis D. Cornworth posted an auction for his virginity on eBay. Bids quickly rose from an initial $10 to $10 million before the listing was removed. [5] [6] [7]

Notable virginity auction reports

In chronological order, virginity auctions which have received substantial news reporting include:

Cathy Cobblerson (likely fictional)

The January 4, 2004, issue of the Weekly World News reported that 24-year-old American Cathy Cobblerson was selling her virginity on an auction website, and hoped to receive US$100,000 to pay off her debts. However, the Weekly World News was a largely fictional publication; the front-page headline in the same issue announced that Noah's Ark had been discovered in Iraq. The Cobblerson auction was subsequently mentioned in the Rosie Reid auction coverage by the News of the World later the same month. No proof that the Cobblerson auction was real has ever been provided; although, it has been mentioned in later articles listing past virginity auctions. [8] [9]

Rosie Reid (claimed to be completed by British tabloid)

In late January 2004, the British tabloid News of the World reported that 18-year-old lesbian Rosie Reid was auctioning her virginity to pay for her school tuition. She initially listed the auction on eBay, posting: "Eighteen-year-old university student looking to sell virginity. Never lost it due to lesbianism. Will bung in free massage if you are any good. Picture on request." The NOTW article also stated that eBay had removed the auction after three days, and a separate website was being set up to continue the auction. That website described Rosie as an "18-year old lesbian (muff diver) virgin", and told bidders "You are bidding for a prime piece. 18 years young, NO PREVIOUS OWNERS! Shipping will be covered by the vendor, item is non refundable. This product may contain traces of nuts." The site highlighted the lack of financial support available to students like her. [10] The NOTW subsequently reported in March 2004 that Rosie had sold her virginity for £8,400 to a 44-year-old BT engineer and divorced father of two children, and that she and her partner were upset by the experience. [3] [11] A BT employee located by the British press denied any involvement in the matter. [12] In May 2004, it was reported that a film company owned by Madonna was working on a movie about Rosie's story, [13] though nothing further about the project was ever reported.

Graciela Yataco (not completed)

In March 2005, 18-year-old Peruvian model Graciela Yataco was reported to be offering to sell her virginity to help her poor family and sick mother. In April 2005, she retracted the plan, reportedly turning down a $1.5 million offer from a Canadian man, and denying that the event had been a publicity stunt. [14] [15]

Carys Copestake (unconfirmed sale)

In July 2007, a British tabloid reported that an 18-year-old student was selling her virginity for 10,000 pounds on a website used by prostitutes. When contacted by the press, she claimed she was busy at work and had been offered the sum in cash. [2] [16] [17]

Natalie Dylan (not completed)

In September 2008, a 22-year-old American woman calling herself Natalie Dylan announced on The Howard Stern Show that she would auction off her virginity on the Moonlite BunnyRanch website, and that the act would be consummated at the ranch. [18] [19] She claimed to be inspired by the case of Graciela Yataco listed above. [20] A recent women's studies graduate from Sacramento State, who grew up in La Jolla, California, Dylan claimed she planned to use the money to finance graduate school and said "I feel empowered because I am being pro-choice with my body." [21] She retained the right to reject the winner of the auction and pick another bidder, claiming that several bids had exceeded $1 million. The highest claimed bid was approximately $3.8 million. [1] Dennis Hof of the brothel was to receive half of the winning bid. [18] A news report in May 2010 suggested that the episode may have been a hoax, although Hof insisted it was not. It also appears that the transaction was never consummated, as Hof stated: "It didn't work out, but she still made $250,000 out of the deal," referencing a $250,000 deposit put up by an Australian businessman who later backed out after reconciling with his ex-wife. [22]

Raffaella Fico (not completed)

Italian model Raffaella Fico claimed in a 2008 interview that she would auction off her virginity, though the claim was not serious, and she never did so. Raffaella Fico @ Casablanca 99 (Brescia).jpg
Italian model Raffaella Fico claimed in a 2008 interview that she would auction off her virginity, though the claim was not serious, and she never did so.

In September 2008, Italian model Raffaella Fico reported in an interview that she would auction off her virginity for one million Euros, but this appeared to be a publicity-seeking claim. [23] [24] [25] When the Italian comedy show Le Iene sent actor Paolo Calabresi dressed up as a rich Arab sheik to offer Fico one million euros, Fico admitted the auction was only a provocation. [26]

Alina Percea (claimed to be completed; virginity contested)

In May 2009, it was reported that 18-year-old Romanian Alina Percea had successfully auctioned her virginity for 10,000 euros to a 45-year-old Italian man, advertising the offer on a German dating site. She reportedly consummated the transaction in Venice, and took a morning-after pill the next day as the sex had been unprotected. She claimed to have been inspired by Natalie Dylan, and reported that she found herself attracted to the auction winner and enjoyed the experience. [27] The woman denied claims made during the auction by a former teacher in Romania that she was not a virgin, and claimed two doctors had confirmed she was a virgin. [28] In 2014, Romanian press reported that Alina had returned to Romania and had posted many sexy photos of herself on social media sites. [29]

Gumtree girl (not completed)

In January 2010, the Belfast Telegraph responded to a virginity auction posted by a 16-year-old girl on the Gumtree trading site. A reporter met her after suggesting a £6,000 bid, but she claimed the entire episode was a "joke" after she was confronted. [30]

Unigirl (likely hoax)

In early 2010, it was reported that an alleged 19-year-old New Zealand student, calling herself "unigirl", had sold her virginity for US$36,100. [31] In January 2012, the New Zealand Herald reported that the auction appeared to have been a hoax. [32]

Miss Spring (not completed)

In August 2010, a 17-year-old Hungarian woman (she turned 18 during the press coverage) using the online name "Miss Spring" was reported to have auctioned her virginity for £200,000 to a British man, to pay for family debts. [33] Her original eBay listing was removed, and she reportedly declined the British winner's offer to marry her, and the auction was continued via a Hungarian television station (Tabu TV). However, the Austrian Times reported on September 2 that after being beaten by four men at her home in northern Hungary who threatened to rape her, she pulled out of the auction. [34] [35]

Noelle (not completed)

In May 2011, it was reported that a 21-year-old Belgian student named "Noelle" had auctioned off her virginity via an Amsterdam-based escort website for 50,000 euros. Previously it had been reported that she had received a bid of £1 million. [36] In any event, it turned out the 50,000 euro bid from "a wealthy Italian businessman" was actually Italian actor Paolo Calabresi (who had debunked the Fico auction above). Calabresi met her while wearing a wire to determine if the auction was a scam. Though Calabresi seemed to think Noelle was genuine, she was at that point afraid of going through the auction due to all the press coverage. Noelle went back to her studies, and the escort agency said despite getting more inquiries, it was done with trying to auction virgins, saying "once was enough". [37] [38]

Catarina Migliorini (not completed)

In October 2012, it was reported that 20-year-old Brazilian Catarina Migliorini was selling her virginity, as a part of a planned documentary called Virgins Wanted by Australian director Justin Sisely. A male, Alex Stepanov, was also selling his virginity at a much lower price. [39] Sisely had been in the news since 2010 about his attempts to make the documentary. [40] Migliorini's buyer was reportedly a man from Japan at a price of $780,000. To avoid legal issues (as both Australian and Brazilian authorities had raised issues, according to Sisely), Sisely suggested the event might occur in a plane over international waters. Migliorini soon after appeared in the January 2013 issue of Playboy Brazil. [41] In May 2013 Sisely announced the documentary was becoming a reality series, and that he was receiving hundreds of inquiries from people wanting to auction their virginity, [42] but Migliorini announced soon after that the winner did not match Sisely's description, and that Sisely had tried to defraud her. [43] The reality series is yet to be aired. [44] A second auction Migliorini tried to conduct by herself in late 2013 was also unsuccessful. In early 2014 she was proposing a reality show in Brazil where 20 men would compete for $1 million, and her virginity. [45] [46] [47]

Rebecca Bernardo (unknown outcome)

In November 2012, 18-year-old Rebecca Bernardo of Sapeaçu, Brazil, announced via a YouTube video that she would sell her virginity to the highest bidder to pay medical costs for her sick mother. She claimed to be inspired by Catarina Migliorini. [48] [49] A Brazilian TV station offered to pay the mother's medical expenses, but that deal fell through. As of January 2013, she reported she had received three bids, the highest at $35,000. [50] As of March 2014, it was unknown what the outcome of the auction was. [51]

Shatuniha (unknown outcome)

In October 2013, an 18-year-old Siberian woman calling herself "Shatuniha" posted an auction for her virginity on a Russian auction site. As of early November it was reported that she had received a bid for 900,000 rubles (about US$27,700), and that local police in Krasnoyarsk said no laws would be violated. At least one report stated that the same woman had appeared to sell her virginity on another site in April 2013 at age 17. [52] [53]

Elizabeth Raine (not completed)

In March 2014, an alleged 27-year-old American medical student using the name "Elizabeth Raine" announced she was auctioning her virginity, citing Dylan as an inspiration. Raine asserted that she had a privileged upbringing and no need for the money, but that the money was her primary motivation, and that she would give a portion to charity. [51] [54] Originally Raine only offered photos obscuring her face, but later released full photographs. The final bid was $801,000, but Raine had a change of heart and cancelled the auction on May 8, 2014, the day after its conclusion. [55]

See also

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  1. 1 2 Hoffer, Steven (24 August 2010). Are Virginity Auctions Recession-Proof? Archived 2014-04-13 at the Wayback Machine , AOL News
  2. 1 2 Gordon, Claire (9 February 2010). How Much Is Virginity Worth, Slate (magazine)
  3. 1 2 (21 March 2014). Student 'sells virginity' via web, BBC News
  4. (18 July 1998). Web's Virginity Event A Hoax, Company's Executive Says, Chicago Tribune
  5. Carpenter, Laura. Virginity Lost: An Intimate Portrait of First Sexual Experiences, p. 103 (2005)
  6. Young Man's Virginity. Please look., Image capture of Cornworth 1999 Ebay auction
  7. (30 August 1999). Chastity For Sale, Forbes
  8. (23 May 2004). The naked auctioneer, The Telegraph
  9. (4 January 2004). Texas Gal Auctions Her Virginity Online, Weekly World News
  10., via, Retrieved 10 April 2014
  11. Jarvis, Holly (25 January 2004). Cash Strapped Student Auctions Virginity for Tuition, News of the World
  12. Richardson, Tim (22 March 2004). BT engineer denies deflowering lesbian, The Register
  13. (31 May 2004). Madonna's new film about British virgin, UPI
  14. (16 April 2005). Virgin for sale to pay mother's medical bills, The Guardian
  15. (25 April 2005). Peruvian virgin turns down $1.5m, BBC News
  16. (1 July 2007). BUY MY VIRGINITY FOR pounds 10K; EXCLUSIVE Carys, 18, sells her body online so she can afford uni fees, The People
  17. (11 July 2007). British Teen Sells Virginity for £10,000, Digital Journal
  18. 1 2 Buy a virgin, The State Hornet, 17 September 2008 Archived September 26, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
  19. INTERVIEW: Virgin Sells Her 'First Time' ,, 14 January 2009
  20. (19 February 2009). Q&A with Natalie Dylan: 22-Year-Old Virgin Up For Auction, City on a Hill Press
  21. My Exclusive Interview with Natalie Dylan Who is Auctioning off Her Virginity, Blogging in America, 26 September 2008 Archived October 2, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
  22. Moye, David (May 17, 2010). "Hoax Experts Cast Doubt on Virgin Reality Show". AOL News. Archived from the original on June 20, 2010. Retrieved July 7, 2010.
  23. "Metto all'asta la mia verginità per un milione di euro". Corriere della Sera . September 6, 2008. Retrieved 15 April 2013.
  24. "La mia verginità per un milione". La Stampa . September 17, 2008. Retrieved 15 April 2013.
  25. Redazione (September 16, 2008). "Raffaella Fico: "Per un milione di euro metto all'asta la mia verginità"". Il Giornale . Retrieved 15 April 2013.
  26. (15 October 2008). Raffaella Fico a Le Iene su Italia Uno, Cinema Vlog (in Italian)
  27. (20 May 2009). Teen has sex after auctioning virginity, The Telegraph
  28. (19 May 2009). Virginity Auctions: Going Once, Going Twice, Huffington Post
  29. (5 March 2014). O mai stii pe olteanca din Slatina care si-a vandut virginitatea pe Internet? Uite in ce bunaciune s-a transformat!, (in Romanian)
  30. (25 January 2010). Northern Ireland teen selling virginity to highest bidder, Belfast Telegraph
  31. (3 February 2012). 'Unigirl' accepts $36,000 for virginity, The Australian
  32. Edmunds, Susan (22 January 2012). Virgin for auction a huge hoax, New Zealand Herald
  33. (5 August 2010). Teenage girl sells her virginity to British bidder for £200,000, Metro
  34. (2 September 20100. Miss Spring bails out, but saves her Virginity at Stake, Austrian Times
  35. A licit Miss Spring kérésére visszavonva Archived 2014-04-13 at the Wayback Machine , Tabu TV
  36. (26 March 2011). Student who put virginity up for sale on internet gets £1 million bid, Mirror
  37. (12 May 2011). Maagd Noëlle opgelicht door Italiaans acteur Archived 2014-05-03 at the Wayback Machine , Het Nieuwsblad (in Dutch)
  38. (12 May 2011). Maagd Noëlle kan fluiten naar haar 50.000 euro, Het Laatste Nieuws (in Dutch)
  39. (28 October 2012). Q&A: The Filmmaker Who Held a Virginity Auction, Bloomberg Businessweek
  40. (17 May 2010). Hoax Experts Cast Doubt on Virgin Reality Show Archived 2014-04-13 at the Wayback Machine , AOL News
  41. (26 December 2013). Catarina Migliorini: Still A Virgin, But Now A Playmate? (NSFW PHOTOS), Huffington Post
  42. (22 May 2013). Catarina Migliorini Virgin Auction Morphs Into Reality TV Series, Huffington Post
  43. (9 July 2013). Catarina Migliorini, Brazilian Woman Who Auctioned Virginity, Says She's 'A Victim', Huffington Post
  44. (12 October 2013). Virgins for Sale, Sydney Morning Herald
  45. (20 January 2014). Virgindade de Catarina Migliorini será prêmio em reality show, Yahoo Brazil (in Portuguese)
  46. (29 January 2014). No Climax For Catarina Migliorini's Virginity Auction, Huffington Post
  47. (24 October 2012). Catarina Migliorini Sells Virginity For $780,000; Male Virgin Alex Stepanov Gets $3,000, Huffington Post
  48. Moye, David. (2 January 2013). Rebecca Bernardo Latest Brazilian Woman To Auction Virginity Online. The Huffington Post
  49. (30 December 2012). Brazilian student auctions virginity, CNN
  50. (2 January 2013). Brazilian teen seels her virginity to pay mom's medical bills, Daily Dot
  51. 1 2 Moye, David (21 March 2014). Med School Student Elizabeth Raine 'Auctioning' Her Virginity, Huffington Post
  52. (5 November 2013). This Teen Just Auctioned Her Virginity For About $27,000
  53. (1 November 2013). Siberian teenager 'sells her virginity' for $27,950, The Siberian Times
  54. LEE MORAN (21 March 2014). "American medical student wants to auction off virginity for $400G — on April Fool's Day". New York Daily News .
  55. Dickson, E.J. (8 May 2014). "Medical student cancels her virginity auction after $801,000 bid", Daily Dot