
Last updated
Initial releaseJune 3, 2006;18 years ago (2006-06-03)
Stable release
8.3.3 / May 29, 2024;6 days ago (2024-05-29)
Operating system Microsoft Windows
Type revision control, Subversion client
License Proprietary

VisualSVN is an Apache Subversion client, implemented as a low-level VS package extension for Microsoft Visual Studio, that provides an interface to perform the most common revision control operations directly from inside the Visual Studio IDE. VisualSVN is a commercial program, with a free 30-day trial available. VisualSVN Community License allows free use of VisualSVN on a computer that is not a member of an Active Directory domain.


VisualSVN supports Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2008, Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio 2012, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2019. [1]

VisualSVN Server

VisualSVN Server is a free Apache Subversion server package for Windows. The server package contains a stripped-down Apache HTTP Server, a Subversion server, and a Microsoft Management Console configuration interface, for a one-click installation of a Subversion server on Windows platform.

See also

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VisualSVN Server is a freeware Apache Subversion server package for Windows. The package is designed and implemented to provide Subversion version control as a first class citizen application in an Active Directory environment. VisualSVN Server is a standalone product which installs in a couple of clicks and works out of the box. The paid Enterprise Edition of VisualSVN Server provides tighter integration with Active Directory environment and Multisite Repository Replication feature.