2023 Quebec public sector strikes

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2023 Quebec public sector strike
DateNovember 6-present
GoalsSalary increases for the public sector, improvement of working conditions
MethodsStrikes, protests, general strike
Lead figures

The 2023 Quebec public sector strikes are a series of strikes by public sector workers in Quebec involving hundreds of thousands of workers. Primarily involving those in the health, social services, and education sectors, the strikes began on November 6. The group known as "Front Commun" (Common Front) has had nine days of strikes since November 6. The recent offer given to the unions was swiftly rejected. [1]


Unions involved

Common Front

Negotiating together in the Common Front of Quebec:

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  1. 1 2 3 Jonas, Sabrina. "Quebec public sector unions announce new 7-day strike for 420,000 workers". CBC.