6th National Assembly of Laos

Last updated
6th National Assembly
8 June 2006 – 15 June 2011
(5 years, 3 days)
TypeSession of the National Assembly of Laos
Election 20 March 2016
President Pany Yathotou

The 6th National Assembly of Laos was elected by a popular vote on 30 April 2006 and was replaced by the 7th National Assembly on 15 June 2011. [1]



MeetingStart–endLengthSession agenda
1st Ordinary SessionTBD ? days
10 items
    2nd Ordinary SessionTBD ? days
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      3rd Ordinary SessionTBD ? days
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          5th Ordinary SessionTBD ? days
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            6th Ordinary SessionTBD ? days
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              7th Ordinary SessionTBD ? days
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                8th Ordinary SessionTBD ? days
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                  9th Ordinary SessionTBD ? days
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                    10th Ordinary SessionTBD ? days
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                      Name Akson Lao Took officeLeft OfficeDuration
                      Thongsing Thammavong ທອງສິງ ທຳມະວົງ8 June 200623 December 20104 years and 198 days
                      Pany Yathotou ປານີ ຢາທໍຕູ23 December 201015 June 2011174 days

                      Vice Presidency

                      RankName Akson Lao Took officeLeft OfficeDuration
                      1 Pany Yathotou ປານີ ຢາທໍຕູ8 June 200623 December 20104 years and 198 days
                      2 Saysomphone Phomvihane ໄຊສົມພອນ ພົມວິຫານ8 June 200615 June 20115 years and 7 days


                      ConstituencyName Akson Lao 5th NA 7th NA GenderNational Assembly LPRP
                      STC LAW EPF EAC SCA NDC FOR 8th CC
                      1Vientiane C. Bouasone Bouphavanh ບົວສອນ ບຸບຜາວັນNewNotMaleMemberMember
                      2Vientiane C. Bountiem Phissamay ບຸນຕຽມ ພິດສະໄໝOldNotMaleMember
                      3Vientiane C. Kikeo Khaykhamphithoun ກິແກ້ວ ໄຂຄຳພິທູນNewReelectedMaleMemberMember
                      4Vientiane C. Bounyong Boupha ບຸນຍົງ ບຸບຜາOldReelectedFemaleMember
                      5Vientiane C. Souvanpheng Bouphanouvong ສຸວັນເພັງ ບຸບຜານຸວົງOldReelectedFemaleMember
                      6Vientiane C. Khamphat Pheubobouda ຄຳພັດ ເພີບໍບຸດາNewNotMaleMember
                      7Vientiane C. Bang-on Xayalath ບັງອອນ ໄຊຍະລາດOldNotFemaleMember
                      8Vientiane C. Somphien Xayadeth ສົົມພຽນ ໄຊຍະເດດNewNotMaleMember
                      9Vientiane C. Ounheuane Phothirath ອຸ່ນເຮືອນ ໂພທິລາດOldNotMaleMember
                      10Vientiane C. Somvandy Nathavongsa ສົມວັນດີ ນະຖາວົງສາNewNotMaleMember
                      11Vientiane C. Khamphuang Choummaly ຄຳພວງ ຈູມມະລີNewNotMaleMember
                      12Vientiane C. Latsanivong Ummarathithada ລາດສະນີວົງ ອັມມາຣະທິທະດາNewNotMaleMember
                      13Vientiane C. Thongvankham Sitthilath ທອງວັນຄຳ ສິດທິລາດOldNotFemaleMember
                      14Vientiane C. Vanpheng Keonakhone ວັນເພັງ ແກ້ວນະຄອນNewReelectedFemaleMember
                      15Vientiane C. Bounpone Sisoulath ບຸນປອນ ສີສຸລາດNewReelectedMaleMember
                      16Phongsaly Phaeng Lylavong ແພງ ລີລາວົງNewNotMaleMember
                      17Phongsaly Ousavanh Thiengthetvonga ອູ່ສະຫວັນ ທ່ຽງເທດວົງສາNewNotMaleMember
                      18Phongsaly Khamchanh Sakountava ຄຳຈັນ ສະກຸນຕະວະNewNotMaleMember
                      19Luang Namtha Latsamy Mingboupha ລັດສະໝີ ມິ່ງບຸບຜາOldReelectedFemaleMember
                      20Luang Namtha Vonekham Phetthavong ວອນຄຳ ເພັດທະວົງNewReelectedMaleMember
                      21Luang Namtha Ounkeo Vouthilath ອຸ່ນແກ້ວ ວຸດທິລາດNewNotMaleMember
                      22Oudomxay Phandouangchit Vongsa ພັນດວງຈິດ ວົງສາNewReelectedMaleMemberMember
                      23Oudomxay Chanhthuem Latmany ຈັນທຶມ ລັດມານີNewNotFemaleMember
                      24Oudomxay Khamphaeng Chitavong ຄຳແພງ ຈິດທະວົງNewNotMaleMember
                      25Oudomxay Somchanh Chitvongdeuan ສົມຈັນ ຈິດວົງເດືອນOldReelectedFemaleMember
                      26Oudomxay Siphone Intala ສີພອນ ອິນທະລາNewNotMaleMember
                      27Bokeo Chanhsouk Bounpachit ຈັນສຸກ ບຸນປະຈິດNewNotMaleMember
                      28Bokeo Vixaykone Vannachomchanh ວິໄຊກອນ ວັນນະຈອມຈັນNewReelectedMaleMember
                      29Bokeo Thatsadaphone Nosing ທັດສະດາພອນ ໜ່ໍສິງNewNotFemaleMember
                      30Luang Prabang Thongsing Thammavong ທອງສິງ ທຳມະວົງNewNotMaleMemberMemberMember
                      31Luang Prabang Khamkeut Phommavongsy ຄຳເກີດ ພົມມະວົງສີNewNotMaleMember
                      32Luang Prabang Vongchanh Phomsavath ວົງຈັນ ພົງສະຫວັນOldReelectedMaleMember
                      33Luang Prabang Singtan Xayleuxong ສິງຕັນ ໄຊລືຊົງNewReelectedMaleMember
                      34Luang Prabang Somok Kingsada ສົມອົກ ກິ່ງສະດາOldReelectedMaleMember
                      35Luang Prabang Saysmone Khomthavong ສາຍສະໝອນ ຄົມທະວົງNewNotMaleMember
                      36Luang Prabang Bosaykham Vongdala ບໍສາຍຄຳ ວົງດາລາNewNotMaleMember
                      37Luang Prabang Singkham Phommalath ສິງຄຳ ພົມມະລາດNewNotMaleMember
                      38Xayaboury Duangsavath Souphanouvong ດວງສະຫວັດ ສຸພານຸວົງOldReelectedMaleMember
                      39Xayaboury Onchanh Phetsalath ອ່ອນຈັນ ເພັດສະລາດNewNotMaleMember
                      40Xayaboury Mek Phanlack ເມກ ພັນລັກOldNotMaleMember
                      41Xayaboury Bounphak Inthapanya ບຸນພັກ ອິນທະປັນຍາOldNotFemaleMember
                      42Xayaboury Yanyong Sipaseut ຢັງຢົງ ສີປະເສີດNewNotMaleMember
                      43Xayaboury Thongleuan Inpanya ທອງເລື່ອນ ອິນປັນຍາNewNotMaleMember
                      44Xayaboury Amexiong Yialeng ອາເມ ຊົງເຢຍເລັງOldNotMaleMember
                      45Houaphanh Khamdy Singkhmphat ຄຳດີ ສິງຄຳພັດNewNotMaleMember
                      46Houaphanh Tong Yeutho ຕົງ ເຢີທໍOldNotMaleMemberMember
                      47Houaphanh Khamlek Keosomphanh ຄຳເຫລັກ ແກ້ວສົມພັນOldNotMaleMember
                      48Houaphanh Bouasone Thammaly ບົວສອນ ທຳມະລີNewNotMaleMember
                      49Houaphanh Mysone Thongsaysy ມີສອນ ທອງໄຊສີNewNotFemaleMember
                      50Houaphanh Chanhsy Vannavongxay ຈັນສີ ວັນນະວົງໄຊNewNotFemaleMember
                      51Xiangkhouang Khamsing Sayakone ຄຳສິງ ໄຊຍະກອນOldNotMaleMemberMember
                      52Xiangkhouang Outhen Masisonxay ອຸເທນ ມາສີຊົນໄຊOldNotFemaleMember
                      53Xiangkhouang Khamsing Daxaophouan ຄຳສິງ ດາຊາວພວນNewNotMaleMember
                      54Xiangkhouang Somdy Sitthilath ສົມດີ ສິດທິລາດNewNotMaleMember
                      55Xiangkhouang Bouaphan Likaya ບົວພັນ ລິໄກຢາNewNotFemaleMember
                      56Vientiane P. Thongloun Sisoulith ທອງລຸນ ສີສຸລິດOldNotMaleMemberMember
                      57Vientiane P. Khammeung Phongthady ຄຳເມິງ ພົງທະດີOldNotMaleMember
                      58Vientiane P. Duangdy Outthachak ດວງດີ ອຸດທະຈັກOldReelectedMaleMemberMember
                      59Vientiane P. Khammany Inthirath ຄຳມະນີ ອິນທິລາດOldReelectedMaleMember
                      60Vientiane P. Singkham Khongsavan ສິງຄຳ ຄົງສະຫວັນNewNotFemaleMember
                      61Vientiane P. Somdy Keodalavin ສົມດີ ແກ້ວດາລາວິນNewReelectedMaleMember
                      62Vientiane P. Thonkeo Phanthavong ທ່ອນແກ້ວ ພັນທະວົງNewNotFemaleMember
                      63Vientiane P. Inkham Phandara ອິນຄຳ ພັນດາລາOldNotFemaleMember
                      64Bolikhamxay Khamphanh Sithidampha ຄຳພັນ ສິດທິດຳພາNewNotMaleMember
                      65Bolikhamxay Pany Yathotou ປານີ ຢາທໍຕູOldReelectedFemaleMemberMemberMember
                      66Bolikhamxay Inta Saymounkham ອິນຕາ ໄຊມູນຄຳOldNotFemaleMember
                      67Bolikhamxay Chuangchanh Lassavong ຈວງຈັນ ລາດສະວົງNewNotMaleMember
                      68Bolikhamxay Phaithoun Kitilath ໄພທູນ ກິດຕິລາດNewNotMaleMember
                      69Khammouane Khamveo Sikhotchounlamaly ຄຳແວວ ສີໂຄດຈຸນລະມາລີNewNotMaleMemberMember
                      70Khammouane Somnuek Sosmchanh ສົມນຶກ ໂສມຈັນNewNotMaleMember
                      71Khammouane Phaithoun Xayakoummane ໄພບູນ ໄຊຍະກຸມມານNewNotFemaleMember
                      72Khammouane Inthava Moundala ອິນທະຫວາ ມູນດາລາNewNotMaleMember
                      73Khammouane Onma Lasavong ອ່ອນມາ ລາຊາວົງNewNotMaleMember
                      74Khammouane Bounnhong Khinsamone ບຸນຍົງ ຄິນສະໝອນNewReelectedMaleMember
                      75Khammouane Phongsanhe Youtitham ພົງສະເນ່ ຍຸຕິທຳNewNotMaleMember
                      76Savannakhet Saysomphone Phomvihane ໄຊສົມພອນ ພົມວິຫານOldReelectedMaleMemberMemberMember
                      77Savannakhet Khamphuei Panthachon ຄຳຜຸຍ ເຜີນທະຈອນNewNotMaleMember
                      78Savannakhet Keyoun Nhotsayviboun ເກຍຸນ ຍົດໄຊວິບູນOldNotMaleMemberMember
                      79Savannakhet Koukeo Akkhamonti ກຸແກ້ວ ອັກຄະມົນຕີOldReelectedMaleMember
                      80Savannakhet Vankham Inthachak ຫວັນຄຳ ອິນທະຈັກNewNotMaleMember
                      81Savannakhet Nam Viyaketh ນາມ ວິຍະເກດOldNotMaleMemberMember
                      82Savannakhet Thongteun Sayasen ທອງເຕີນ ໄຊຍະເສນOldNotMaleMemberMember
                      83Savannakhet Ti Phommasak ຕີ ພົມະສັກNewNotMaleMember
                      84Savannakhet Somphet Inthathilath ສົມເພັດ ອິນທິລາດOldNotMaleMember
                      85Savannakhet Lamgneun Paseutxaya ລຳເງິນ ປະເສີດໄຊຍາNewNotMaleMember
                      86Savannakhet Somboun Sonthikoummane ສົມບູນ ສົນທິກຸມມານOldNotMaleMember
                      87Savannakhet Bounyeuan Thitphouthavong ບຸນເຍື້ອນ ທິດພຸດທະວົງNewNotFemaleMember
                      88Savannakhet Phimmaha Sengkhamyong ພິມມະຫາ ແສງຄຳຢອງOldNotMaleMember
                      89Savannakhet Bounnhong Xaypanya ບຸນຍົງ ໄຊປັນຍາNewReelectedMaleMember
                      90Savannakhet Bountem Xouangsayavong ບຸນເຕັມ ຊວ່ງສາຍະວົງNewReelectedMaleMember
                      91Savannakhet Bounmy Khadtivong ບຸນມີ ຂັນຕິວົງOldNotMaleMember
                      92Saravan Somxay Pholakhamphi ສົມໄຊ ພູລະຄຳມະນີOldNotMaleMember
                      93Saravan Phouvieng Saithammavong ພູວຽງ ສາຍທຳມະວົງOldNotMaleMember
                      94Saravan Thavone Tandavong ຖາວອນ ຕັນດາວົງNewNotMaleMember
                      95Saravan Davone Vangvichit ດາວອນ ຫວ່າງວິຈິດNewReelectedMaleMember
                      96Saravan Vaenphet Phadavong ແຫວນເພັດ ວົງດາລາNewNotMaleMember
                      97Saravan Manyxong Luesisamout ມະນີຊົງ ລືສີສະໝຸດNewNotFemaleMember
                      98Champasak Somphone Kagnong-Ek ສົມພອນ ຂະຫຍອງເອກNewNotMaleMember
                      99Champasak Somphou Duangsavan ສົມພູ ດວງສະຫວັນNewNotMaleMember
                      100Champasak Phonethep Pholsena ພອນເທບ ພົນເສນາOldReelectedMaleMember
                      101Champasak Sithong Thongkeo ສີທອງ ທອງແກ້ວOldNotMaleMember
                      102Champasak Meksavanh Phomphithak ເມກສະຫວັນ ພົມພິທັກOldReelectedMaleMember
                      103Champasak Bouangeun Xaphouvong ບົວເງິນ ຊາພູວົງOldNotMaleMember
                      104Champasak Nickkham Bouasisouk ນາງ ນິກຄຳ ບົວສີສຸກNewNotMaleMember
                      105Champasak Sikhamtak Mitalay ສີຄຳຕາກ ມິຕາໄລNewNotMaleMember
                      106Champasak Sifong Boudta ສີຟອງ ບູຕາOldNotMaleMember
                      107Champasak Kisin Siphangnam ກິສິນ ສີປັນຍາNewNotMaleMember
                      108Champasak Saphaothong Vanthavisone ສະເພົາທອງ ວານທະວີວອນNewNotMaleMember
                      109Champasak Bounmak Thipphasone ບຸນມາ ທິບພະໄຊNewNotMaleMember
                      110Sekong Thongphan Chanthalanonh ທອງພັນ ຈັນທະລານົນOldNotFemaleMemberMember
                      111Sekong Phonephet Khewlavong ພອນເພັດ ຄິວລະວົງNewNotMaleMember
                      112Sekong Chanhom Mahaxay ຈັນຫອມ ມະຫາໄຊNewNotFemaleMember
                      113Attapeu Vassady Khotyotha ຫວັດສະດີ ໂຄດໂຍທາNewNotFemaleMember
                      114Attapeu Somvang Thammasith ສົມຫວັງ ທຳມະສິດNewReelectedMaleMember
                      115Attapeu Bounnan Bounyaseng ບຸນນານ ບຸນຍະແສງNewNotFemaleMember
                      [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28]

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                      Sisay Leudetmounsone is a Laotian politician and member of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP). She currently serves as Head of the LPRP Central Committee Organisation Commission, and is a member of the 11th Central Committee, 11th Politburo and the 11th Secretariat.

                      <span class="mw-page-title-main">Miss Grand Laos 2023</span> 4th edition of the Miss Grand Laos beauty pageant

                      Miss Grand Laos 2023 was the fourth edition of the Miss Grand Laos beauty pageant, be held on July 29, 2023, at the National Convention Center (NCC), Vientiane. Eighteen candidates, who have qualified for the national pageant through an online profile screening performed in March, of whom the representative of Vientiane Prefecture, Phetmany Philakhong, was announced the winner and was crowned by Miss Grand Laos 2022, Phoutsavanh Vongkhamxao of Vientiane, as her successor.



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