Against a Tide of Evil

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Against a Tide of Evil
Against a Tide of Evil book cover.jpg
Author Mukesh Kapila
Published Mainstream Publishing
Publication date
ISBN 978-1706663454

Against a Tide of Evil is a 2013 memoir by Mukesh Kapila about his time leading the United Nations in Sudan during the Darfur genocide.



Against a Tide of Evil was written by former United Nations diplomat Mukesh Kapila and published in 2013 by Mainstream Publishing. [1]


Against a Tide of Evil documents the experiences of the author as he is deployed to Sudan as the most senior representative [1] of the United Nations. [2] Kapila is based in Khartoum [3] as violence flares in Darfur during the genocide between 2003 and 2004. Kapila quickly becomes a whistleblower, reporting his analysis of the Sudanese government's role in the ethically targeted violence, including sexual violence. [2] Kapila is shocked when the United Nations' enquiry concludes that actions of the Sudanese government do not amount to genocide. [2]

The author is critical of the United Nations [4] and argues that the world ignored the genocide in Darfur, despite the warnings that he and others made at the time. [5]

Critical reception

Kapila's writing is described as disarmingly personal by British academic Carol Kingston-Smith. [2] Kingston-Smith credits the book for dealing with complexity, raising awareness and inviting the reader to reflect on their role in the world. [2]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bibliography of the War in Darfur</span>

This is the bibliography and reference section for the Darfur conflict series. External links to reports, news articles and other sources of information may also be found below.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">International response to the War in Darfur</span>

While there is a consensus in the international community that ethnic groups have been targeted in Darfur and that crimes against humanity have therefore occurred, there has been debate in some quarters about whether genocide has taken place there. In May 2006, the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur organized by United Nations "concluded that the Government of the Sudan has not pursued a policy of genocide ... [though] international offences such as the crimes against humanity and war crimes that have been committed in Darfur may be more serious and heinous than genocide." Eric Reeves, a researcher and frequent commentator on Darfur, has questioned the methodology of the commission's report.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">United Nations Security Council Resolution 1556</span> United Nations resolution adopted in 2004

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Damien Lewis (filmmaker)</span> British journalist and writer

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Darfur genocide</span> 2003–present violence against Darfuris in Sudan

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  1. 1 2 Wyllie, Alice (9 March 2013). "The Whistle Blower" (PDF). The Scotsman.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 Kingston-Smith, Carol. "Book Review Against a tide of Evil by Mukesh Kapila".{{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  3. Rushton, Ryan (14 Aug 2013). "Edinburgh International Book Festival: Mukesh Kapila | Event Review | The Skinny". Retrieved 2022-03-29.
  4. Herlinger, C. (2014). "A crisis sliding from sight". National Catholic Reporter. 50 (9): 1–14. ProQuest   1500812761.
  5. Herlinger, Chris (2014-02-15). "Activists strive to bring attention back to Darfur crisis". National Catholic Reporter. Retrieved 2022-03-29.