Alan Silverstein

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Alan Silverstein is an American Conservative rabbi, lecturer, writer, and the spiritual leader of Congregation Agudath Israel in Caldwell, New Jersey. He has served as Vice President of the National Council of Synagogues, President of the International Rabbinical Assembly of the Conservative Movement, President of the Masorti Olami, and President of Mercaz Olami.



Alan Silverstein was raised in the Overbrook Park neighborhood of Philadelphia. [1] He graduated from Central High School in 1966 and went on to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree in history from Cornell University in 1970 and a Master of Arts degree in Jewish History from Columbia University in 1973. [2] He was ordained as a Rabbi at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in 1975 and received a Ph.D. in Jewish History from the Seminary's Institute for the Advanced Study in Humanities in 1989. [3] [4]


From 1975-1979, Silverstein served as rabbi at Congregation Tifereth Israel in Neshaminy, Pennsylvania. [5] He became rabbi at Congregation Agudath Israel in Caldwell, New Jersey in 1979. [6] [7] In 2018, Silverstein announced his plans to retire as rabbi of Congregation Agudath Israel by 2021. [8]

Silverstein has written and published three books and maintains a blog with the Times of Israel. [7]

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  1. Allan, Meyers (2001). The Jewish Community of West Philadelphia.
  2. "The Cornell Daily Sun". 76 (142). 2 June 1970.{{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  3. "Twelve Localities Earn Seminary Degrees". Jewish Exponent. May 16, 1975.
  4. "CAI Leadership". Congregation Agudath Israel.
  5. "Federation Elects Rabbi Silverstein". Philadelphia Jewish Exponent. November 4, 1977.
  6. Ginsberg, Johanna R. (September 27, 2018). "Why wait for retirement when you can hire now?". New Jersey Jewish News.
  7. 1 2 "Bio". Times of Israel.
  8. "Love's not all you need, but it's a start". New Jersey Jewish News.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Masorti movement to honor local rabbi". New Jersey Jewish News.
  10. 1 2 "RA Selects SIlverstein as Treasurer". New Jersey Jewish News. May 24, 1990.
  11. "New Jersey Rabbi Flies to Make Pope Meeting". October 8, 1995.
  12. 1 2 3 "Busting Myths about Masorti by Prominent Conservative Rabbi, Alan Silverstein". 21 July 2019.
  13. "Silverstein again heads Conservative group". March 16, 2016.