Alberto Oliverio

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Alberto Oliverio (born December 1, 1938) is a biologist and psycho-biologist. He is currently professor of Psychobiology at the Sapienza University of Rome. He has been one of the main assistants of Nobel prize winner Daniel Bovet. [1] [2]



Oliverio is author or co-author of about 400 publications. He is author of about 30 chapters or general reviews in edited books or annual reviews. Has edited 6 books on animal behavior and behavioral genetics and is the author of many books on memory, brain and behavior.

Research fields

Neurochemical – neurophysiological correlates of memory. Genetic approaches to behavior.


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  1. Bovet, D., Bovet-Nitti, F., & Oliverio, A. (1969). Genetic aspects of learning and memory in mice. Science.
  2. Bovet, D., McGaugh, J. L., & Oliverio, A. (1966). Effects of post trial administration of drugs on avoidance learning of mice. Life Sciences, 5(14), 1309-1315.