Algedonic signal

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An algedonic signal is a pre-emptive message concerning pleasure or pain. [1] An arousal mechanism can generate an algedonic signal, and thus provide an important survival mechanism to a living organism by alerting it to a threat. An example of the disastrous consequences of such a system not being in place is that of a moth attracted by the light of an open flame without recognising the danger of fire.

In the human nervous system a variety of algedonic signals are brought together in the midbrain reticular formation from across the whole body. [2] A source of pain, such as touching a burning surface or treading on broken glass, creates such an algedonic signal which interrupts consciousness and provokes a reflex action. [2]

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  1. Allenna Leonard (2004). Stafford Beer The Father of Management Cybernetics: Big Data Analysis including Cybernetic Glossary (PDF). Toronto: Vanilla Beer and Allena Leonard.
  2. 1 2 Gokhale, Girish Bhagwan; Banks, David A. "Organisational Information Security: A Viable System Perspective". We-B Centre & Edith Cowan University. CiteSeerX .{{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)